First Settlement
Codero wanted a settlement on the Camino real between Nacogdoches and San Antonio. late September governor Cordero requested permission to find towns on the Trinity and Brazos rivers with a mix of Tejanos and Louisiana. 1806 they founded a town of Santisima Trinidad de Salcedo. Late January house lots and agricultural land were being issued. the first settlement success effort under cordero their families from Nacogdoches petition for permission to relocate to the new town(De La Teja, 110). -
The Casas Revolt
The man who led Texas first revolt against the Spanish rule was Juan Bautista de la casas. The castles revolt took place in San Antonio. Casas purpose to depose governor Salcedo was to prevent the province from falling into an anarchy. Casas members rallied around father Juan Manuel Zambrano a native of Bexar with his own aspirations. In March casas was overthrown by Zambrano and his supporters. His authority had been erupted (De La Teja,118). -
Battle of Medina
General Joaquin Arredondo Royalist army fought against toledo's republican army of the north. This was located a few miles down South of the Medina River near Laredo San Antonio Rd. It was one of the largest and bloodiest wars. Meanwhile in Mexico father Morelos had taken leadership of the independence movement, he was unable to convince enough criollos. November 1815 father Morelos was captured and executed this was Texas’s second failed insurrection.(De la Teja, 122). -
Battle of Rosillo
The battle of Rosillo was led by Gutierrez de Lara, Samuel Kemper, and Magee’s. In September the republican army of the north was growing. They went after Salcedo’s army, who had retreated to Bexar. Bexar is 9 miles southeast of San Antonio. After losing hundreds of men and equipment Salcedo had no choice but to surrender. In April the republican army of the north successfully took San Antonio. The first republic of Texas (De La Teja, 120). -
The Battle of Three Trees
The battle of three trees was located in Galveston Island. It was the Karankawa Indians against Jean Lafitte’s freebooters Lafitte wanted this land for hunting grounds. Lafitte defeated the karankawas by killing thirty of them and the rest of them fled across the Bay. This was the end of Indian presence on Galveston island ( De La Teja, 124). -
Adams Treaty
John Quincy Adams and Spanish ambassador Luis de ones reach an agreement. Secretary of State Adams and President James Monroe concluded that Spain would not long be in control of Mexico and that Texas would naturally fall into the United states soon thereafter the transcontinental treaty did not win the approval of western political interest, who had been long advocating Anglo American expansion in that direction (De La Teja,128). -
New Invasions
The invasion of Mexico agreed upon by Perry, Aury and the newly arrived insurgent Francisco Xavier Mina in April became the basis of the first of the number of expeditions intended to bring about the separation of Texas from Mexico after falling out among the three leaders Perry decided to lead his men to la Bahia. Governor Martinez heard perry arrived in Matagorda. In June Martinez’s subordinates caught up with Perry and his 43 men north of la Bahia and defeated the intruders(De La Teja,126). -
Plan Of Iguala
The plan of Iguala consisted of three important clauses, it was signed by Augustine the turbide and Vicente Guerrero. this was in iguala, mexico. This proclaimed mexico's independence from Spain, social and political equality for all inhabitants of Mexico regardless of the birthplace, and Roman Catholicism as the official religion ( De La Teja, 129). -
The Plan De Casa Mata
This was a plan formulated to elect a new constituent Congress. Early December the commander of port of Veracruz Brigadier Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna began his career in political meddling by declaring himself against turbide. This quickly spread and in March 19 1823 Augustine was abdicated. He attempted to return to Mexico a year later led to his arrest and execution the following July ( De La Teja, 138). -
Baron De Bastrop
Seguin is in Mexico City and he writes to the Baron de Bastrop in April about how bad the situation is. They agree to union with Coahuila. They had included in the decree A provision that gave Texas the option of petitioning for separate statehood when its population grew enough to warrant the move, Seguin served the committee the production of national colonization law of 1824. Seguin was a major influence in the addition of a general colonization (De La Teja, 140).