Texas independence

Texas Fight for Independence

  • Santa Anna Leads Mexican Troops Into Texas

    Santa Anna Leads Mexican Troops Into Texas
    Mexican President General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna lead troops into Texas after rising tension. Stephan Austin was put in jail for his actions, and the Texans began to revolt. 6,000 troops were brought into Texas following this, in an attempt to stop the revolts.
  • Battle of Goliad

    Battle of Goliad
    125 Texan militiamen attacked a group of 50 Mexican infantry men at Goliad. Only three Mexican men were injured with only one dead, while the Texans only had one injured man. The Mexican army surrendered quickly since they were outnumbered.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    Santa Anna led 1,800 men to the Alamo, which was guarded by 183 Texans. The Texans were able to hold off the Mexican forces for 12 days. On the 13th day, Santa Anna ordered his men to storm the fort, and they captured the fort, killing every man defending it. The slaughter of all the men without mercy sparked the Texans, and they vowed to fight for their freedom.
  • Battle of Jacinto

    Battle of Jacinto
    Texan General Sam Houston gathered 800 men in total, and met Santa Anna's army, after executing 300 Texans at Golidad. Houston's army screamed "Remember the Alamo!" and full on attacked the Mexican army. The battle lasted only 18 minutes, and half of Santa Anna's army was killed. This resulted in Santa Anna being forced to sign a treaty.
  • General Santa Anna surrenders to General Houston

    General Santa Anna surrenders to General Houston
    Santa Anna had to surrender to General Houston following the Battle of Jacinto. He had to surrender, after seeing half of his army being destroyed in only eighteen minutes. The Treaty of Velasco ended the war, and Texas became an Independent Country.