Mexico Becomes an Independent Nation
Without a shot being fired, Agustín de Iturbide created a drive for Mexican Independence. The Texas Territory also became a part of this new Nation. -
The Old Three Hundred
During the summer of 1821 Steven Austin and his Three Hundred Settlers cross into Texas. -
Steven Austin and Ratification for his Colony
Austin had learned that his colony had not yet been ratified by the Mexican Goverment. Therefore he travled a distance of 1,931KM to Mexico City in order to get his permission for his colony. -
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Steven Austin Grants Land
During this period Austin grants titles and land to 297 settlers. Each Houshold Recieved a Minimum of 177 acres or 4,428 acres depending on household size and whether or not they inteded to farm or raise livestock. -
Bustamante and his new laws
Bustamante issued a series of laws that stopped all US citizens from immegrating to Texas, raised Taxes, and reiterated a ban on slavery. -
Santa Anna Leads
Santa Anna leads a revolt against the current Mexican Government in order to overthrow Bustamante. -
Steven Austin Declares Independence
Due to the insecurities of the Mexican Constitution and the lack of adherence Steven Austin speaks for the Anglo-American population in Texas and declares themselves Independent. -
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The Goliad Campain
The Goliad Campain was the rooting out of all Anglo-Americans in the Texas Territory by Federalists of the Mexican Government. The Federalists believed that the Texan's ultimate goal was secession. -
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The Siege of the Alamo
Santa Anna leads his advance guard to attack The Alamo. Shortly after setting-up shop in the nearby town they flew a red flag, signifing that there would be no quarter and they would all be killed. -
The Defeat of Santa Anna
On this date Santa Anna and his forces were defeated at San Jacinto. Texas had won their Independence!