Texas Declaration of Indepondence
The texas conrention of 1836 signed the Texas declaration of Indepondence to delcaer texas free of mexicen rule this was done even before the texan and mexican war was over. -
THe Battle Of The Almo
Mexican soldiers sounded the Almo on all sides and begain a 13 day siege of the fort to force out the texan defeanders but they did not leave instad they held there ground till march 6th when the mexican soldiers commanted to a all out assult on the fort and killed every texen defeander in the fort. -
The state of texas was admited in to the unio in 1845 after being deniad sevearl times to enter on the 12th time it finnialy got approved to become the 28th state of the United States. -
Texas secded from the union
Texas secded form the Union to keep the right to have slaves this was done by vote even thou the gonver san houston was very aboused to this movement. -
The Last cival war battle
The last civil war battle was fought in palmito hill in Texas this battle thou was after the war was offical over it was after the treaty was signed this battle was not need and a wast of human life. -
JFK assassination
The President of the US was shot in dallas texas by Lee Harvey Oswald he died form a GSW (gun shot wound) to the head. the outcome of this event is the US increased security for the president. -
NASA puts HQ in Texas
NASA choose texas to become the place of there HQ in the 1964 i could not find the excate date.