
Texan Independence Timeline

  • battle of Gonzales

    fought between rebellious Texian settlers and a group of Mexican army soldiers . Results were Mexican withdrawal and the beginning of Texas's rebellion against the Mexican government.
  • Tensions between Texas and Mexico

    An event that led to the war was “Manifest Destiny”. Americans thought they were suppose to have this land because god gave it to them to take. this would led to more and more americans coming west to lands like Mexico.The second major cause of the Mexican American War started off with the Texas War of Independence and the inclusion of that area into the United States. America latter won the war.
  • Period: to

    Texas Independence Timeline

    Tensions between Texas and Mexico - What led to war?Battle of Gonzales
    Declared Independence
    The Alamo
    Battle of Goliad
    Battle of San Jacinto and the Treaty of Velasco
    The Republic of Texas
    Texan Annexation