Chapter 1
In the beginning Tex is riding his horse, Negrito but has to stop to go to school. At school he talks to his bestfriend Johnny Collins. -
Chapter 1
Later when text gets home he finds his brother Mason home early for school. Mason is a big basketball star at their high school. Tex wonders why Mason is acting so weird but decides to go see his horse and Mason in forms him that he had to sell the horses to pay the bills, -
Chapter 1
Tex and his brother get into a fight because Mason sold the horses. Tex decides to leave and his friend Johnny Collins pulls up on his cycle to try and pick Tex up -
Chapter 2
Tex and his friend Johnny go to the fair and they meet up with Johnnys sister Jamie and one of her friends. -
Chapter 2
They deide to go to a fortune teller and she is more than likely fake. After the fair they wen to Johnnys brothers house and get drunk. -
Chapter 3
The next day Cole Collins dad comes to Tex and Masons house and argues with Mason. -
Chapter 3
Tex is getting depressed without his horse. Later in the night their old friend Lem Peters comes by to tell them he had a baby boy. -
Chapter 3
They decide to go over to the Collins house to tell their friends the good news about his baby. They sneak in the window, but have to leave sooner then they wanted to because Lem makes Jamie mad about his philosophy of women. When they get back to the house Lem gives Tex and Mason joints instead of cigars. -
Chapter 4
Tex goes to school and gets into trouble and has to talk to Mrs. Johnson. He likes her because she seems to actually care for him. -
Chapter 4
Johnny and Tex get into a fight because Johnny makes a bad comment about Tex's father. They don't talk for a week or so and this upsets Tex. -
Chapter 4
Tex rides with another friend on his cycle to the gravel pits where everyone with a cycle rides after school. He knows that Johnny will be out there. Johnny decides he wants to jump the ditch and Tex tries to talk him out of it. -
Chapter 4
Johnny wrecks trying to jump the ditch and scrapes up his arm. Tex decides he wants to do it because he wants to prove Johnnys cycle can make it over. He makes it over but wrecks when he lands and wrips his coat. -
Chapter 5
When Mason is done at the doctor he tells Tex that he has an ulcer. Tex and Mason also go to Mcdonalds and Mason tells Tex that he has never done it with a girl and that shocks Tex. -
Chapter 5
Tex wants to know if he's good looking. Mason decides to let Tex go with him to the city while Mason see's a doctor. -
Chapter 5
While Mason goes into the Doctors office Tex goes to the mall. He gets accused of stealing while he's here and he runs into Jamie and she acts like she likes him. That makes him very happy. -
Chapter 6
Mason and Tex decide to stop by and se Lem and his baby on their way back. They take a ride in his nice car and find out that Lem has been dealing drugs and thats how he has so much money.