By SoW
  • Taipei American School is Founded

    Taipei American School is Founded
    Taipei American School opened its doors to eight students from three nationalities in the basement of the Canadian Presbyterian Seminary on Chung Shan North Road in Taipei. At the time, tuition cost US$50 per semester.
  • TAS Moves to Villa/Business Site

    TAS Moves to Villa/Business Site
    TAS's second location was at No. 26 Nung An East Rd in Taipei.
  • TAS Moves to Lane 153, Chang An East Rd, Sec 2, Taipei

    TAS Moves to Lane 153, Chang An East Rd, Sec 2, Taipei
    This year, the US Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) was formed and dependents were admitted to TAS.
  • TAS's First Graduating Class of 14 Students

    TAS's First Graduating Class of 14 Students
    In addition to the first graduating class completing their studies, a gymnasium was built. It was financed by community contributions and erected on a new site. Enrollment also grew to 1000 students as more than 10,000 Americans were living in Taiwan in the 1950s.
  • School Expansion

    School Expansion
    Satellite schools were opened this year in Bank of Taiwan (BOT) housing in Tienmu and Yangminshan.
  • Period: to

    The Head of School - William P. Matthias