The Enlightenment was a time when people started to rely more on reason than their religious beliefs. People like Voltaire, Locke, Hobbes and Wolstonecraft were some philosophers during this time. They believed that the human race had three main goals: happines, knowledge and freedom. It started in Britain, then spread around Europe before finally becoming a world wide idea. It happend because of the scientific revolution and even the renaissance. People used reason to create laws for gov'ts. -
Industrial Revolution
A rapid change of the century from hand made merchandise, to machine-made products. It started in the 1700s in England as part of the textile industry. In the beginning of the mid-1700s, machines made textiles and had other jobs. Along with industrial revolution, the agricultural revolution is starting too. Farming techniques like crop rotation help make plants abundant. New manufacturing techniques started to change later on. Middle class people were usually the workers.1800s-The I.R spread -
French Revolution, Formation of the National Assembly
The National Assembly was formed by the Bourgeosie when the 1st and 2nd estate refused to meet the 3rd estate's demands to vote by population in the Estates General. During these meetings, the 1st and 2nd estates always voted together, overpowering the 3rd estate. Since they were denied the option of voting by population, they decided to create what's known as the National Assembly. Their goal was to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people. -
French Revolution
Before the revolution was the old regime which consited of 3 classes. Now there are 3 estates that make up the French population. The 3rd estate always felt that they were being traeted unfairly so they used enlightenment ideas to back up their beliefs as to what they feel is right. When the French saw how sucsessful the American Revolution was, they were even more inspired to follow through with their own revolution. The 3rd estate was also neglected in the Estates General. -
French Revolution, Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was an oath taken by the National Assembly one day when they were actually locked out of the meeting hall. They found a nearby tennic court and took an oath that they, the National Assembly would continue meeting until a new constitution for France is formed. They wanted what they thought would be best for the people of France, so they consistently met up. -
French Revolution, Creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Drafted
The Bourgeoisie, National Assembly, created this Declaration of the Rights of Man. This declaration was made during about the same time King Louis XVI was brought back to power as follower of a constitutional monarchy. Meaning no more Estates general. The declarion stated that all men are born free with equal rights. They also have the rights of liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. This declaration also helps show the peasants the difference between good rights and bad ones -
French Revoluiton, Reign of Terror
The Comittee for Public Safety started killing thousands of french people (including King Louis XVI) because they thought they were "enemies of the Revolution." Since France is under strict watch by this Public Safety Comittee, Jacobins have everyone scared of stepping out of line, or being caught by spies or accused of being an enemy of the Revolution. Most of the people killed were actually nobles who tried to restore the monarchy. Robespierre spins out of control with the fearful reign. -
Creation of the Haitian Constitution of 1801
A slave revolt in the French colony of Saint-Domingue. This led to the abolishment of slavery and the creation of the Republic Haiti. Haiti was constantly fighting to be free of not only the French, but Spanish as well. (Santo-Domingo). This revolt is the only sucsessful slave revolt that led to Haiti becoming its own state. There were many tatcics used to rid themselves of the Spanish and French. One was the scorched earth policy. While it worked, the lasting effects are devestating. -
French Revolution/Rise of Napoleon, Peninsular War
After losing against Britain in the Battle of Trafalgar, Napoleon tries a new tactic known as the Continental System. This requires all countries within Europe to stop all further trade with Britain. Portugal refuses to take part. Napoleon is unhappy with Portugal so he sends troops through Spain out to Portugual. 1808-1813, Spain attacks the French that are stationed there. Napoleon was constantly sending in more men-300,000 died in the war. -
After Napoleon's rise/French Expansion, Congress of Vienna
The congress of Vienna occured in 1814-1850s in France. Heads of European governements wanted to create a long-term peace on the continent after the defeat of Napoleon. They agreed on a balance of power throughout the countries so that no one country was stronger than the other. Europe's royal families were also returned to their thrones. Some alliances were formed with the equality amongst the countries. Frederik Williams III, Czar Alexander and Metternich were a part of the congress of Vienna. -
China Imperialism/Trade Market, Opium War
A war that occured between Britain and China. Britain wanted to trade with China but China was not interested. The British weren't accepted by China as trade parteners so they decided to get the Chinese a substance they knew they wouldn't be able to resist. Opium. The British started smuggling opium over to the Chinese. They were hooked. Britain got those trading parteners they wanted and were profiting off it pretty well. China was not happy about this. They insisted that they stop, they didn't -
China's Internal Problems and Reform, Signing of the Treaty of Nanjing.
An agreement between China and Britain that concluded the Opium war. As a part of the treaty, Britain got Hong Kong. It was ended because China wasn't as militarily advanced as Britain was so they had no specific ,eans of defense, or offense. -
Japanese Imperialism/Trade, Signing of the Treaty of Kanagawa
An agreement between the US and Japan. Japan agreed to open up two ports to US trade and establish an embassy in Japan. This allows other countries to trade along with Japan in other ports aside from the one and only one port that Japan had permited. -
Meiji Era, (Restoration)
The Meiji Restoration occured in Japan in 1868. This restoration resulted in the modernzation of the nation's industry. The modernization of Japan during the Meiji Restoration resulted in the rise of Japan becoming an imperialistc nation. Japan becomes a powerful modernized imperialistic nation on the rise. They already shocked the world with their victory over Russia so they just continued evolving in order to keep up with their powerful military. -
China's Internal Probelms and Reform, Boxer Rebellion
Included peasants and wokers who disliked foreigners and Chinese Christians. These people formed the Boxer Rebellion. During this rebellion, the people revolted against Cixi, the emperess at the time. Unfortunatley, their campaign had failed. The outcome of this revolution caused the government to be more responsive and alert to the people. As a result of the Rebellion, more and more people start to resist outside changes-natioalism occurs.