Test 7-9

  • 509 BCE

    The Creation of the Roman Republic

    The Creation of the Roman Republic
    After Romans overthrew the monarchy the Roman Republic was established. This meant that no one leader would have too much power.
  • 509 BCE

    The Overthrow of the Roman Monarchy

    The Overthrow of the Roman Monarchy
    The overthrow was a political revolution of ancient Rome. Romans believed that a monarchy was harmful to their concept of public good. After the revolution took place, the Roman Republic was established.
  • 338 BCE

    The Settlement of the Latin War

    The Settlement of the Latin War
    The Romans conquered Italy and other overseas territories. The Latins and their allies were not taxed but were used in the Roman military. This strengthened the number of the military and their ranks went up significantly. This overall helped Rome's expansion and Roman Republic.
  • 323 BCE

    The Hellenistic Age

    The Hellenistic Age
    The Hellenistic Age was the spread of Greek Culture. This started after the conquest of Alexander the Great. Writing and speaking Greek and the different forms of art created a union between Greek and non-Greek cultures.
  • 246 BCE

    The Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars
    The Punic Wars were caused by the competing interest of Carthage and Rome. The Roman victory over Carthage during the Punic Wars, established the Roman Empire.
  • 67 BCE

    Pompey in the East

    Pompey in the East
    The organization in the East was Pompey's greatest achievement. His geographical and political knowledge allowed his to create the basis of the defensive frontier system. Pompey also had hurt the Roman Empire my manipulating the Senate to his own advantage.
  • 31 BCE

    Augustus reintroduces monarchy to Rome

    Augustus reintroduces monarchy to Rome
    After many civil wars, Augustus emerged as a victor. He had immense military authority and the right to make law. He found the right blend between offices and powers that would satisfies the pride of Rome. This was one of the most successful political settlements in history.
  • 235

    The Third Century Crisis

    The Third Century Crisis
    The third century crisis almost caused the collapse of the Roman Empire. Due to the ascension of Diocletian and his implements of reforms in 284 BCE, the Empire was saved.
  • 312

    Constantine Converts to Christianity

    Constantine Converts to Christianity
    When Constantine converted to being a Christian, he made Christianity the main religion in the Roman Empire. This helped spread the religion of Christianity throughout the Empire and increased Christian power and influence in Rome.
  • 410

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    There were many reasons that caused the fall of the Roman Empire. Political instability, social and economic problems, and the weakening of the border.
  • 500

    Answer to Question

    Rome was able to go from a monarchy to republic to empire to fall because of the position of the overall authority and power. The power was switched from one leader, then to many, back to one. This was able to be accomplished because the monarchy was overthrown, the power shifted away from the republic, and economic problems/ weakening of the border.