Test 1 & 2

By NK1444
  • 3000 BCE

    Mesopotamians develop first writing systems

    Mesopotamians develop first writing systems
    The Mesopotamians developed the first writing system for the purpose of tax records. Their style of writing was called cuneiform which started out as pictographic and later included both pictographs and syllabic symbols.
  • 3000 BCE

    Mesopotamia, A Truly Urban Society

    Mesopotamia, A Truly Urban Society
    The Mesopotamian Empire established the first great cities, developing irrigation systems to manage the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Mesopotamians also created a social hierarchy, taxation, and forced labor.
  • 3000 BCE

    First Leaders in Mesopotamia ascend to Political Power

    First Leaders in Mesopotamia ascend to Political Power
    The first Mesopotamian Kings started out as war leaders and ascended to political power. They worked alongside priests to control the people in their empires. The priests came up with the idea that the kings were chosen by the Gods to rule. An ideal that developed into the kings being divine themselves. kings were chosen by Gods to rule.
  • 2680 BCE

    Epypt in the Old Kingdom Period makes Advancements

    Epypt in the Old Kingdom Period makes Advancements
    2680 BCE - 2200 BCE
    During the Old Kingdom Period in Egypt, both lower and upper Egypt were brought together under a centralized government. A pictographic system of writing referred to as hieroglyphic writing emerged for the purpose of record keeping by a caste of scribes. A redistributive bureaucracy was also developed during this time period and massive monuments were possible due to the massive food surplus from agricultural practices.
  • 2200 BCE

    Old Kingdom Falls, Egypt Evolves

    Old Kingdom Falls, Egypt Evolves
    2200 BCE - 2040 BCE:
    The period following the Old Kingdom period was called the Intermediate Period and it was during this chaotic time that the Egyptian empire evolved. Egyptian religion now focused on what happened to the soul after death. There was also major societal changes, a more diversified economy, and the expansion of Egypt's borders.
  • 2112 BCE

    Efficient Bureaucracy of the Ur III Dynasty

    Efficient Bureaucracy of the Ur III Dynasty
    The third dynasty of Ur was known for the complexity of their bureaucratic system. This dynasty divided the empire into three tax regions and collected tax from the conquered people without alienating them.Furthermore, a strong bureaucracy was the best way to manage large populations of people.
  • 2040 BCE

    The Middle Kingdom Period Developments

    The Middle Kingdom Period Developments
    2040 BCE - 1720 BCE:
    It was during the Middle Kingdom Period in Egypt that religious beliefs, government rule, immigration, commerce advanced. Kings no longer claimed to be immortal, emphasizing their humanity. They encouraged immigration and assimilation into Egyptian society in order to bring in foreign talents and an extensive commerce supported artisans and craftsmen, evolving the specialization of occupations in the country.
  • 1780 BCE

    Babylonian King creates Code of Laws

    Babylonian King creates Code of Laws
    A significant accomplishment of the Babylonians was the Code of Hammurabi. It was a code of 282 laws that covered many aspects of commercial law, family law, and criminal law as well as punishments for each type. The Code of Hammurabi also prevented people from seeking their own form of justice. It is the basis for European laws today.
  • 1650 BCE

    The Hyksos Dynasty's Contributions to Egyptian Civilization

    The Hyksos Dynasty's Contributions to Egyptian Civilization
    1650 BCE -1550 BCE:
    The Hyksos Dynasty ruled Egypt during part of the period known as the Second Intermediate period. They introduced Egyptians to using Bronze as weapons, tools, and agricultural implements. They also introduced Egyptians to using horses and horse-drawn chariots in war which resulted in the Egyptians becoming more powerful as an empire.
  • 1550 BCE

    The Great Bureaucratic Empire during the New Kingdom Period in Egypt

    The Great Bureaucratic Empire during the New Kingdom Period in Egypt
    1550 BCE - 1150 BCE:
    During the New Kingdom Period, Chariots were used in warfare for the first time which shifted the balance of power in battles. The Egyptian government had become strong bureaucratically as well as diplomatic, giving tax breaks, gifts and benefits to encourage loyalty instead of threatening them with power or their military presence.