Great- great grandparents immigrated
My great- great grandfather's parents on my father's side were born in Norway in the 1950s, they immigraed to Chicago in 1865 Source: Grandfather
Image (LInclon's funeral in Chicago): http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/civil-war/1865/May/abraham-lincoln-funeral-chicago.htm -
Great- great grandparents immigrated
They were born in Sweden in 1871, and immigrated to Chicago in 1890 Source: Grandfather
Image: http://ecuip.lib.uchicago.edu/diglib/social/worldsfair_1893/gallery/04-01_chicago.html -
Grandfather moved to Phoenix
My gradfather was born in Chicago in 1932, and the family moved to Phoenix in 1942
Source: My dad
Image: http://www.library.arizona.edu/exhibits/pams/jpgs/1942hwy2.jpg -
My parents met
They met in Yellowstone, Wyoming in the Old Faithful Inn. Source: My dad
Image: http://www.familyvacationcritic.com/old-faithful-inn-hotel-family-dining/hfd/ -
I came to the U.S.
I was born in China in 2000. then was adopted in 2001, and came to live in Denver, CO. Source: Me
Image: Fritz Penning -
Trip to my orphanange and birthplace in Jiangxi Province People's Republic of China
When I went to meet my nannie at my orphanage, I felt as if I was understanding more of my personal history. Source: My family and I