K terrorism1


  • Munich Olympics

    Munich Olympics
    On september fifth 1972 Palistinian Terrorists took nine israily athleats hostage. They demanded the relice of Arib prisoners. Eleleven Israily athleats were killed along with a police man and five terrorists.
  • Iran Embasy

    Iran Embasy
    Sixty American where taken hostage for fourhundred and forty four days.
  • Lockerbie

    On December 21 1988 Lybian terrorists planted a bomb on the Pan-am 103. The plane crashed 38 minutes after it took off killing 270 people.
  • World Trade Center

    World Trade Center
    At 12:18 a terrorist bomb blew up in a parking lot. It created a 60 foot crator and caused the colapse of several of the world trade centers floors. Six people where killed and 1,000 where injured
  • Oklahoma Ciy Bombing

    Oklahoma Ciy Bombing
    On the morning of April twentyninth Timothy McVeigh bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. 168 people where killed including 19 children
  • Bombing of the USS Cole

    Bombing of the USS Cole
    At 11:18 a.m. two suicide bombers attacked the USS Cole. It killed 17 crew members and injured 39 others. The terrorists where linked with al Qaeda.
  • Attack on the World Trade Center and the Twin Towers

    Attack on the World Trade Center and the Twin Towers
    Nineteen al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four U.S. planes. Two of the planes crashed into the twin towers, one crashed into the pentagon and the final one was taken over by the passengers and crashed into an open feild.
  • Madrid

    10 bombs exploded on four trains killing 191 people and injuring 2,000 more. They were set off by moble phones. The group who carried out the attack was loosley associated with al-Qaida
  • Beslan School

    Beslan School
    On wednessday september fourth heavily armed Muslim guerrillas the Beslan school in a seige that would last 52 hours. Hundreds of children and their parents died
  • London Bombings

    London Bombings
    Four suicide bombers attacked centeral london killing 52 people and injuring more than 770. The bombs where on the underground and on busses.
  • Mumbai

    Terrorists attacked Indias Comercial capital mumbai killing dozens of pople with handguns and grenades. At least 100 people where killed.
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    two bombs set up at the end of the finish line killed three people and injured 170. the brothers who planted the the bombs names where Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.