mutation pheonix files Chris Morphew
it looks like a really cool book i can't wait to start reading it. -
Genensis Lara Morgan
sounds ok don't know if I will like it though. -
Mutation Chris Morphew
I really enjoyed this book I recommend this book to people who love adventures. -
Underground Chris Morphew
I hope this book will be as good as the other one. -
Underground Chris Morphew
really cool book but I like the 3rd book better. -
The Grave Robbers Of Genghis Khan P.B.Kerr
I hope I like It all the others were really cool. -
I hope this is a good book dosn't sound like me. -
really cool book I want to get a hawk now really inspiaring. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
The Grave Robbers Of Genghis Khan
really interesting but I didn't get all of it. -
Arrival The Poenix Files
I liked the 3rd and 4th book hope this is just as good. -
Arrival The Poenix Files
Really cool book now I understand bits of the other books. -
Contact The Poenix Files
Hope this is good he he he. -
really cool book !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
The Starkin Crown
I've already read it so i know what to expect but I hope to have the same passion for this book. -
The Starkin Crown
really cool book but I read it last year but it's so good I read it again -
The Hunger Games
Already read it but I so have to read it again such a good book hope I think it is just as thrilling as last time. -
The rosie black
really cool book everyone should read it. eeekkk -
The wish list
I hope I like this book. -
The Hunger Games
I have already read it but it was just as good, really good book !!!! -
Dark Angel
I hope I like It, I don't think I will.