10,000 BCE
End of paleolithic stage
Period: 10,000 BCE to 5000 BCE
Mesolithic stage
Period: 7000 BCE to 700
Archaic Stage
Period: 5000 BCE to 2000 BCE
Neolithic stage
Period: 2000 BCE to 800 BCE
Bronze age
Period: 800 BCE to 43
Iron age
400 BCE
Area first settled
100 BCE
Large-scale urban growth
Teotihuacan was the first city to be built as a grid -
Construction of the Pyramid of the Sun
- 60 m high
- built over a natural spring
- "The present exterior, which would have once had a facing of smooth lime plaster, covers a slightly smaller earlier pyramid built over a massive mud-brick and rubble interior" (worldhistory.org).
- Used to be a small temple at the top
- A 100 m tunnel inside the pyramid goes from under the outside staircase to a chamber that was looted in the past but was probably a burial chamber/shrine.
- aligned with the sun to have no shadows on the spring equinox
Construction of the Pyramid of the Moon
- Slightly smaller than the Pyramid of the Sun
- No chamber inside
- "The present exterior covers six progressively smaller pyramids" (worldhistory.org).
- the foundations contained many "dedicatory offerings" ex: "obsidian and greenstone felines and eagles and a single person"... "Offerings were also buried at each subsequent construction stage" and "There are also the remains of sacrificed animals including pumas, rattlesnakes, and birds of prey" (worldhistory.org)
Temple of Quetzalcoatl Constructed
- built as a celebration of warfare.
- "decorated with sculptures of feathered-serpent and Tlaloc-like heads...once brightly painted in blue, red, yellow, and white"
- 7 levels
- "over 200 non-local males and females were sacrificed to commemorate its completion"
- "at the heart of the temple are two burial chambers which were emptied, perhaps by the residents of Teotihuacan 400 CE, but one remaining feathered-serpent baton suggests that the occupants were rulers" (worldhistory.org)
Period: 250 to 850
Classic Period
Throughout Teotihuacan murals can be found.
For example on the walls of the Tepantitla district there is an elaborate mural "showing a figure often identified as the Great Goddess". On the mural there is also a tree as well as butterflies, flowers, and an inverted u-shape "found below the mountain-tree" similar to the "cave found at the Pyramid of the Sun". It is unknown if the murals were depicting real people or "generic representations that sought to unify a diverse population"
Kahn Academy -
Period: 375 to 500
The city's peak
"At its apogee (c. 500 CE), it encompassed some 8 square miles (20 square km) and supported a population estimated at 125,000–200,000, making it, at the time, one of the largest cities in the world" (Britannica) -
Central Teotihuacán burned
"possibly during an insurrection or a civil war. Although parts of the city were occupied after that event, much of it fell into ruin" (Britannica). -
Period: 1521 to
Colonial period
Designated as UNESCO World Heritage site