First Commercial Coal Production in the US Begins
In 1748, the first commercial coal production in the United States begins in Richmond, Virginia. Coal was used to make materials for the Revolutionary War. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 (On the events where I couldn't find the exact date, I just used January 1st.) Photo: https://steelguru.com/coal/incessant-downpour-disrupts-normal-life-hampers-coal-production-in-yellendu-report/461620 -
First Natural Gas Well in US is Drilled
In 1821, the first natural gas well in the United States is drilled by William Hart. Hart dug a 27 foot well to obtain the gas, and he is often referred to as the 'father of natural gas' in the United States. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo: http://geology.com/articles/oil-and-gas-investments/ -
An Ethanol Tax Slowed the Ethanol Fuel Industry
In 1862, Abraham Lincoln passes an Ethanol Tax to help finance the Civil War. The tax was $2.08 per gallon. As a result, the ethanol fuel industry slowed and eventually disappeared for 45 years. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo: http://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/the-truth-about-ethanol-in-your-gas/ -
Rockefeller Forms Standard Oil and Developes Petroleum as an Energy Source in the US
In the late 1800's, John D, Rockefeller formed the Standard Oil Company and controlled 90% of the UUS refining capacity. His endeavors lead to petroleum being a large energy source both in the US and internationally. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo: http://www.pagetutor.com/standard/chapter16_part4.html -
First Electric Plant Built
Thomas Edison built the first commercial electric plant in New York, serving wealthy and influential people near Wall Street. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo: http://ethw.org/Edison's_Electric_Light_and_Power_System -
First Windmill to Generate Electricity
In Cleveland, Ohio, Charles F.. Brush develops the world's first windmill that can generate electricity. Its normal capacity at full load is 12000 watts. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo: https://cleantechnica.com/2014/06/22/americas-first-wind-turbine-generated-electricity-1888/ -
First Geothermal Power Plant Built
John D. Grant drilled a geothermal well and used it to provide electricity for The Geysers resort in California. It wasn't used to its full extent because of the expense and the difficulties of drilling for geothermal steam. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo: http://ffden2.phys.uaf.edu/212_spring2011.web.dir/Kevin_McCarthy/ -
Hoover Dam is Built
In 1935, after four years of construction, the Hoover Dam was completed. It is built on the Colorado River in Arizona. At the time of its completion until 1948, it was the world's largest hydroelectric power plant. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo:https://lasvegassun.com/photos/galleries/1905/may/15/hoover-dam---construction/1133/ -
First Controlled Nuclear Chain Reaction
Under the 'Manhattan Project,' Physicist Enrico Fermi and others achieved the first controlled nuclear chain reaction, which is also known as nuclear fission. This process occurs when a uranium atom is split by a neutron, causing a chain reaction of splitting atoms and in turn, releases an abundance of energy. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo: https://www.osti.gov/opennet/manhattan-project-history/Events/1890s-1939/fission_america.htm -
First Commercial Nuclear Power Plant
In Shippingport, Pennsylvania, the first commercial nuclear power plant began its operation. This plant was used to supply energy to the Pittsburg area. Source: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 Photo: http://www.hackcollege.com/blog/2012/10/17/historically-speaking-first-nuclear-power-plant.html