Temperance Movement

  • Orgin of the Temperance Movement

    Orgin of the Temperance Movement
    The American Temperance Society was formed in 1826 to ban the distilling of whiskey and in just 12 years they had over 1.5 million people as a part of this group and overr 8,000 groups.
  • Carrie Nation

    Carrie Nation
    Carrie Nation is born. She will be a future activist for prohibition and the temperance movement. Her method was going into bar and smashing things with a hachet.
  • Father Theobald Mathew started his journey in the US

    Father Theobald Mathew started his journey in the US
    Father Theobald Mathew started to tour the country and preach to especially Irish Americans about the temperance pledge.
  • Father Theobald Mathews journey ends

    Father Theobald Mathews journey ends
    He ended his trip around the country in Novemeber of 1851. Pursuading thousands of people to join the movement.
  • No more drinking

    13 out of the 40 states had prohibition in effect. This would eventually lead to the 18th amendment.
  • National Prohibition Party

    The national prohibtion party was founded in the year 1869.
  • Womens Christian Temperance Union

    WCTU is organized. This was a group of women who were with the temperance movement.
  • Anti-Saloon League

    In 1895 it became a national organization and quickly rose to become the most powerful prohibition group in the country. Being better than its older competitors the Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    On January 16, 1919 the 18th amendment was passed that made the sale, manufacturing, and transportation of alcohol illegal.
  • Dean O'Banion

    Dean O'Banion
    He was a mobster who on this date he committed the first liqour hijacking and eliminated his competition. (North Side Gang)
  • Dean O'Banion

    Dean O'Banion
    Al Capone kills Dean O'Banion for running a liquor business against capone... didnt end very well.
  • Dont touch his booze

    Dont touch his booze
    On January 18, 1928 3 men (Harry Fuller, Joseph Cagiando, and Joseph Fasso) were murdered for syealing Al Capones booze and liquor.
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    Al Capone had his men kill off a rival gin runner. This may have shown is all these murders really worth banning alcohol?
  • Prohibition is repealed!!

    Prohibition is repealed!!
    Alcohol is legal once again, gets rid of the 18th amendment.