Model T
Model T was the first car to be affordable for majority of Americans and the first time car ownership became a reality for average American workers, not just the wealthy -
Prohibition/18th amendment
where the 18 amendment cut off using intoxcating liquors an other things and people where mad -
Warren G Harding Elected
he was the 29th president and died while he was in office -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
this took place when warren g harding was president an it was when navy petroleum reserves at Teapot Dome and two other locations to private oil companies at low rates without competitive bidding -
Calvin coolidge becomes president
he took the president place when harding died and his main focus was bussiness an help business make new products an get it to people and serve for six years -
dawes plan
was the plan to reparations the problems which had bedeviled international politics following world war 1 -
coolidge speech to american society of newspaper editors
he adress about how they said he was doing decisive action -
the great gatsby
Herbert Hoover Elected
he was the 31st president -
black tuesday
this is the day the stock market went bad an the banks had no money -
smoot-hawley Tariff
it helpedraise levels of import goods -
reconstruction finances corporation
it gives money to local governments and give loans to banks, railroads, mortgage associations and other businesses -
bonus army march
the army march to crogress and demanded to get there checked thet where promised an some people got tear gas -
franklin D. Roosevelt Elected
he was the 32nd president an was the only american to be elected more than two terms and lead the world through worldwide economic depression and total war -
Tennessee valley authority
Tennessee valley is a region that gets affected by the great depression so the tennessee valley provides navigation,flood control,electricity generation,and economic development -
national industrial recovery act
it helped assist the nations econmic recovery after the great depression -
public works administration
pwa is pretty much money thats put aside and only spend big money on big projects an also spent on the construction of public works as a means of providing employment, stabilizing purchasing power, improving public welfare, and contributing to a revival of American industry. -
security and exchange commission
the security and exchange commission is responsible for enforcing the federal securities laws and regulating the securities industryand also the nation's stock and options exchanges, and other electronic securities markets in the United States. -
works progress administration
it gave jobs tomillions of people who were unemployed and they had to learn how to carry out public works projects, and construction of public buildings and roads. -
wagner act
it has secret elections to determine whether employees want union representation and also investigates unfair labor practices by employers and unions -
social security act
social security act helps the elderly and when they retitre or people who are unemployed they get a check to help them get by an when they die there family get a lump-sum of money. -
fair labor standards act
It protects workers by setting standards for minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping and youth labor. -
civilian contruction corps
The CCC was designed to provide employment for young men in relief families who had difficulty finding jobs during the great depression while at the same time implementing a general natural resource conservation program in every state and territory -
Agricultural adjustment act
the AAA controlled the supply of seven basic crops( corn,wheat,cotton,rice,peanuts,tobacco,milk)but by offering payments to farmers in return for taking some of their land out of farming which they can't plant crops there anymore -
the grapes of wrath