
Telescope Discoveries

  • Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    Hans Lipperershey created the telescope nthat was about 6 inches long but used it so you could see your enemy during war and fights. Not to look up at the sky which when people later did they would find some of the first in depth look at our universe.
  • Gallieo makes telescope

    Gallieo makes telescope
    Galleio makes telescope that is, 8x more magnifed than the naked eye. He findsthat the Moons surface has what looks like patches. He also sees Jupiter is anoither planet and sees Jupiters orbiting moons
  • Starry Messenger

    Starry Messenger
    Gallieo published his ideas in a book called "Starry Messenger" That shares his discovery of Jupiter and the Moons that orbit around it.
  • Newton

    Newton made 6 inch long telescope and puts 1 inch mirror in it and makes it a reflective telescope eh8ich gives a clearer picture .
  • Herschel

    He redefines newtons telescope and made his own mirror by hand and finds Uranus. He finds MIlky way, makes star map and thought he found Holy Cosmos.
  • Mount Wilson Obervatory

    Mount Wilson Obervatory
    The observatory was made by Hail and this telescope gives a better image than any other telescope before, because it is on a mountian and it get above the clouds. Some of the greatest astronomy advances where discovered here.
  • Penzius and Wilson

    Penzius and Wilson
    Penzius and Wilson were looking at the Homdel Horn Antenna and they relized that as they were observeing it that there was another radioactive wave that the antenna was picking up. They looked into it and found it was Cosmic Backaround Radiation in the universe and this was a huge step in science. It supported the Big Bang and gave us evidence to what and how the universe was created and what else is and what else could be out there
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    Hubble Space Telescope
    The Hubble Space Telescope was named after the astronemer Ediwn Hu8bble and was launched into soace in the 1990's. It orbits around the Earth and gives us some of the best oictures we have seen of the universe and other galaxies using visoible light. It is respomsible for the accidental discovery of DArk energy whuch makes uo 72% of our universe.
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    Hubble Space Telescope

    The Hubble Space Telescope was named and made after Ediwn Hubble a astronemer. The Telescope was launched in 1990 and it orbits around the earth. It givbes us some of the best images we have ever seen in the Universe using visible light gives us insigjht in the best details of Galaxies we have ever seen. The has also discovered Dark Energy which was discovered in the 1990's and makes up 72% of our universe.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    He looks at Idromida neblua and finds varible on the edge of the nubula that is changeing in brightness and he figures out how far away the nubula is. Finds that galexies are moving away from us. In 1994 found that surronding universe was about 3 degrees hotter than absolute zero whuch is due to the comsic backaround radiation
  • WMAP

    The WMAP is called the Wilkinsion Microwave Anoistrophy probe and it is used for steps in cosmotology.and found about how old the universe, also it has mapped the Cosmi Backaround Radiation down to the smallest percent. It is now not in working state anymore but when it was it helped us to look deeper into Cosmotology.