Historical astron

Historical Astronomy

  • 127

    Ptolemy's Stars

    Ptolemy's Stars
    Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy publishes a catalouge of over 1,000 stars called Almagest.
  • 200

    Aristarchus- 280 BC

    Aristarchus- 280 BC
    The first to predict that the earth moves around the sun, and to create a method that estimates relative lunar and solar distances.
  • 200


    A mathamatician that was the first to state that the earth was a sphere revolving around the sun, along with all the other planets. He also stated that the moons orbit was, in some way, related to the 'midsection' of the earth, or the equator.
  • 201


    A mathamatition that founded trigonometry and that the discovery of the precision and procession of the equinoxes.
  • 205


    A Greek scientist who was the first to estimate and discover that the moon did not produce light itself, but reflected the rays of the sun.
  • Period: 212 to Feb 19, 624

    Empedoclus 624-212 BC

    Thought that light was made of the four essential elements; fire, water, air, and earth.
  • 300

    Euclid 300 BC

    Euclid studies properties of light and determines that light travels in straight lines.
  • Feb 19, 600

    Pythagoras 600 BC

    Pythagoras says that light is a beam emitted from human eyes. Later, he was proven wrong.
  • Feb 19, 1000


    Alhazen discovers that light bounces off objects and then travels to our eyes, allowing us to see it.
  • Feb 19, 1473


    Established the theory of a heliocentric universe, that the planets rotate around the sun, the basis for modern astronomy.
  • Dec 14, 1546

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    Most view Brahe as a empirist that was a stickler for numbers. This was true, but served him well. He created a table for refractions, and allowed for and eliminated instrumental innaccuracies. He also determined exact planitary locations, and was the first western astronomer to see a supernova.
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    One of the most famous astronomers in history, Galileo advanced work on the telescope, and stopped looking at why things move, and started looking at how things moved. His research led him to supporting Copernicus' theory of a heliocentric solar system. This landed him in house arrest for the rest of his life.
  • Dec 27, 1571

    Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    A genius mathametician, Kepler is known for his three laws of planetary motion, which stem from his work with Tycho Brahe. He was also interested in astrology and astrological conjunctions.
  • Speed of Light

    Galileo makes a more accurate discovery of the speed of light, at 299292458 per second.
  • Period: to

    Sir Isaac Newton

    Showed that white light is actually a blend of all the colors, so it is formed out of a rainbow, or Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. He also showed that you can make the rainbow by shining white light through a prism.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Newton is one of the main founders of optics, with Kepler, calculus, and physics. His main contribution to astronomy were the three laws of gravity. He was also the first to build a reflecting telescope.
  • Robert Hooke

    Discovers that light is emitted in all directions, and travels and acts like a wave.
  • Ole Romer

    Measured an inaccurate speed of light using Jupiter and one of it's four Galileian Moons
  • Period: to

    Thomas Young

    Developed the wave theory of light, and described light interference.
  • Annie Jump Cannon

    Annie Jump Cannon
    Cannon specialied in classifying stars. Her life goal was to obtain optical spectra of as many stars as possible and classifying them by their spectra.
  • George Hale

    George Hale
    Discovered pools of Hydrogen leaping 300,000 miles off the surface of the sun.
  • Henriette Swan Leavitt

    Henriette Swan Leavitt
    First calculated the relationship between stars luminosity and period of pulsation.
  • Period: to

    Albert A. Michelson

    Once again, another accurate speed of light measurement using two mirrors on the peaks of mountains closely situated.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Created Hubble's Law, a classification system for galaxies, and discovered that the universe is expanding, along with the existance of other galaxies within that universe.
  • Albert Einstien

    One of the few scientists to take Planck's ideas seriously, Einstien proposed a quantum of light, the photon, in his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
  • Luna 2

  • Lean Foucalt

    Performed the same test that Hippolyte Fizeau performed 13 years previously, but using many rotating mirrors instead of just one.
  • Luna 9

  • Luna 13

  • Apollo 12

  • Apollo 11

    First manned moon landing, first human to walk on the moon- Neil Armstrong
  • Apollo 13

    Didn't actually land on the moon, was scheduled to, but a mid-flight oxygen fire ended the plan.
  • Luna 16

  • Luna 17

  • Apollo 15

  • Apollo 14

  • Luna 20

  • Apollo 16

  • Apollo 17

  • Luna 21

  • Luna 24

  • Stonehenge- 2,800 BC

    Stonehenge- 2,800 BC
    First phase of Stonehenge begins, it is used as a primal solar/lunar observatory
  • Julius Caesar- 46 BC

    Julius Caesar- 46 BC
    Introduces tha Julian Calander, which we use today
  • Arayahabata 499 BC

    Arayahabata discounts Pythagoras, saying that the planets and the moon and other celestial bodies reflected the sun instead of emitting their own light.
  • Period: to Feb 19, 1040


    Discovered that light rays are made up of very small particles.