telecommunication in mexico

  • Samuel Finley Breese Morse.

    Samuel Finley Breese Morse.
    patented the telegraph electric.
  • Juan de la Granja.

     Juan de la Granja.
    he established the first electromagnetic telegraph in Mexico.
  • The first telegraph line

    The first telegraph line
    by the President of the Republic Mariano Arista and
    Juan de la Granja was the General Manager of Telegraphs
  • The regulation of telegraphs was decreed

    The regulation of telegraphs was decreed
    under the premise that the Mexican State was the only authority authorized to construction of telegraph infrastructure.
  • Porfirio Díaz

    Porfirio Díaz
    The growth of the telegraph in Mexico was due to its eagerness to modernize the country, it allowed the entrance of the foreign investment to develop the mining industry, petroleum, the railroads and with these the telegraphy.
  • Radio telegraphy or wireless telegraphy was promoted.

    Radio telegraphy or wireless telegraphy was promoted.
  • was sent the Telegram Zimmermann

    was sent the Telegram Zimmermann
    Germany committed to return to Mexico the territories of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, if they joined them, but the offer was rejected
  • The Electric Communication Law was issued

    The Electric Communication Law was issued
  • day of telegraph workers

    day of telegraph workers
    Mexico decided to unite in one, the Postal and Telegraph Directorates
  • was created the Department of Telegraph Service International

    was created the Department of Telegraph Service International
    the telegraph passed to the Mexican government and gave the Directorate General of Telecommunications, to Ing. Miguel Pereyra Vergara
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The first artificial satellite was put into orbit, the "Sputnik 1" by Russia
  • Mexico joined as a member of the INTELSAT consortium

    Mexico joined as a member of the INTELSAT consortium
    this initiated the spatial communications, for
    means of the satellite communications station.
  • Mexico started its satellite operation

    Mexico started its satellite operation
    Mexico used the Terrena Station Tulancingo 3, for which Mexico rented the service of three satellites
  • first satellites

    first satellites
    With this satellite system integrated by Morelos I and Morelos II, it was intended to connect the entire national territory through a communications system
  • Solidaridad I

    Solidaridad I
    Solidarity I was placed in orbit, this was the
    first of the second generation of Mexican satellites
  • Solidarity II satellite was launched

    Solidarity II satellite was launched
  • telecomm

    the Mexican satellite system was privatized in 75% by telecomm
  • Satmex5 satellite launched

    Satmex5 satellite launched
    was the first Mexican commercial satellite launched from the private initiative
  • the Satmex 6 satellite was launched

    the Satmex 6 satellite was launched
  • new satellites

    new satellites
    Mexico decided to buy three new satellites for security purposes of the Mexican State: Bicentenario, Centenario and Morelos 3
  • The last satellite Bicentenario

    The last satellite Bicentenario
    was successfully launched from the Ariane No. 5 launch complex (ECA). is one of the first satellites of new generation, has the most advanced technology for the implementation of information platforms and databases