
Teh American Civil War

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    Battle at Fort Sumter

    The battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle in the Civil War. The Confederacy attacked the fort and outgunned the Confederacy after 34 hours. Throughout the whole battle, only two people died from the Union.
  • Battle of Bullrun

    Battle of Bullrun
    The battle of Bullrun was the first major land battle in the Civil War and it took place in Prince William County, Virginia. The Confederates pretty much just pitched a tent and camped in Manassas Junction waiting for Union forces to cross the river of Bullrun. Both armies were new and inexperienced. How the Confederates won was that they charged the Union until they retreated.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The battle of Antietam or the Battle of Sharpsburg as the south would call it was the deadliest and bloodiest day in american history. 22,717 people died that day. The union won this battle but at a great cost.
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    The Siege of Vicksburg

    The Siege of Vicksburg was very important for The Union.It allowed them to seperate Confederate forces by controlling the Mississippi River. The Union achieved this victory by bombarding Vicksburg until they surrendered, due to their lack of food and supplies.
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    The Battle of Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburg was an attack from the Confederacy, and it was the bloodiest battle in the Civil War(This was the last time the Confederacy would attack the Union).

    During the three days more than 40,000 men died from both the Confederacy and the Union. Battle of Gettysburg was the farthest north the Confederacy got to.
  • The Battle of Fort Wagner

    The Battle of Fort Wagner was an attack by the Union. In the battle, 339 troops from the Union, were either wounded, killed, or captured. Afterwards, there was a second battle of Fort Wagner only one week after the first.
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    Battle at Petersburg

    The Battle of Petersburg or also known as the Siege of Petersburg was an attack from the Union but failed. As a result the Union used trench warfare cut off food and supplies to slowly weaken the Confederacy.The victory of Petersburg lead to the surrender of Appomattox.
  • The Surrender of the Confederacy

    The Surrender of the Confederacy
    Robert E. Lee surrenders his army after being defeated at Petersburg. The conditions to their surrender were that the Confederacy surrenders their nation but keeps there equipment, in exchange for food. The treaty, signed at Appomattox, Virginia,ended The American Civil War.