1st month
The first month she’ll notice that she had missed her period or she had not menstruated, shell feel tired, she’ll get bloated and she will pee more than usual also she’ll have nausea and small changes of humor not everyone has the same symptoms but at least she’ll have one -
2nd month
The symptoms of the second month will be more physical than emotional or mental, she’ll have nausea, fatigue, dizziness, food cravings and small changes of humor -
3th month
Sara will experience huge changes like abdominal pain, nausea, and appetite changes, also it might be possible that she starts to get weigh, or buttocks during the pregnancy -
4th month
In this month women might feel with more energy and with less pain and less sick, and your chances of miscarrying had decreased and the baby bones will start to get harder although his skin will continue to be thick and translucent. -
5th month
She might have some changes and she might feel some pains, at the end she’s at the half of the pregnancy period, her abdomen will continue to grow as usual and she will get way much hungry but in sometimes she’ll have a lot of energy and she’ll feel great. -
6th month
By this month you might notice that your belly has gotten larger at the end if your baby is growing you will too by the end of this month your baby will be almost fully growth but his organs are still developing and his lungs are not done so he still cannot breath by his own, and your legs and foots may hurt. -
Seventh month
By this time theirs more than just grow, by this time your baby's organs will be almost fully developed and your belly will be fully growth and you’ll be hungrier than ever and the hormonal changes will increase or decrease. -
Eighth month
Physical changes might happen, your baby may hiccough and time to time causing some rhythmic bumps in the uterus, this might be a head down position hopefully the baby will stay like until birth -
Ninth month
Sometimes in this month your baby’s head might get down so it can have a much easier birth at the end of this month your baby will get born