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Teddy Roosevelt!

  • Theodore Roosevelt is born

     Theodore Roosevelt is born
    Location: New york
    Parents: Martha Roosevelt & Theodore Roosevelt Sr.
  • Named President when McKinley is assassinated

     Named President when McKinley is assassinated
    Claimed to have killed McKinley because he was the head of what Czolgosz thought was a corrupt government.
  • Elkins Act passed

    Elkins Act passed
    Made the railroad corporation providing the rebate, as well as the shipper receiving it, liable under the law.
  • Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge

    Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge
    Enhance all species of fish, wildlife, and plants that are endangered or threatened with becoming endangered.
  • Wins first full term as President

    Wins first full term as President
    Republican President Theodore Roosevelt defeated the Democratic nominee, Alton B. Parker. Roosevelt's victory made him the first president.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    Cleanly conditions in factories, an inspection of animals and meat, and correct labeling to prevent misbranding.
  • Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument

    The first United States national monument, established on September 24, 1906, by President Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Yosemite under Federal Control
    Congress set aside over 1,500 square miles of land for what would become Yosemite National Park, America's third national park.
  • Leaves presidency, visits Africa

    Leaves presidency, visits Africa
    The purpose was to collect specimens for the Smithsonian's new Natural History Museum, now known as the National Museum of Natural History.
  • Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party

    Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
    Republican President William Howard Taft and defeated former President Theodore Roosevelt, who ran under the banner of the new Progressive or "Bull Moose" Party.
  • Energy crisis

    Energy crisis
    Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) put in place an embargo on oil exports to the United States.