Teddy Roosevelt Timeline Project

  • Theodore Roosevelt is born

    Theodore Roosevelt is born
    Theodore Roosevelt was born October 24, 1858 in New York City. He was the second oldest of siblings.
  • Named President after McKinley is assassinated

    Named President after McKinley is assassinated
    Unfortunately in 1901, President McKinley would be assassinated by long time anarchist Leon Czolgosz. Mr Roosevelt would take his position making him the youngest U.S president at the time of 43
  • Roosevelt wins his first term

    Roosevelt wins his first term
    Roosevelt became the 26th president in 1901. He was considered a underdog. He ran as a Republican.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    This act, passed in 1903, outlawed the practice of rebates done mostly by railroad companies. Stern fines was given to any who broke it.
  • Pelican Island, Florida. The first National Wildlife Refuge

    Pelican Island, Florida. The first National Wildlife Refuge
    Mr Roosevelt founded this Refuge after the numerous findings of killed pelicans. At the time, the pelicans feathers was a fashion feature. This Refuge protect the birds and gave the people who would visit knowledge of the birds.
  • Yosemite is under Federal Control

    Yosemite is under Federal Control
    In 1906, Yosemite National Park becomes federally watched. Officials wanted this to be under watch due to its beauty and historic location.
  • Devil's Tower, Wyoming

    Devil's Tower, Wyoming
    Founded in 1906, this rock is named the first national monument. This rock is a sacred site for many Plains Indians.
  • Pure Food And Drug Act

    Pure Food And Drug Act
    Passed by President Roosevelt, this law came into play after the media made their concerns over the unsanitary conditions of the food industry, especially the meat industry. It made sure that the the places was checked monthly for cleanliness and that they was safe. The law was passed in 1906, and was effective the first day of 1907.
  • Mr. Roosevelt leaves presidency to visit Africa

    Mr. Roosevelt leaves presidency to visit Africa
    In 1909, one year after he declined the 1908 presidency, Roosevelt would visit Africa.He wanted to collect animal samples for the Smithsonian Institution as he had a love for animals. He soon after bag a rhino.
  • Roosevelt as a Bull Moose Candidate

    This was a 3 party during the 1912 presidential election. He would run for this party but would lose to Democratic Nominee Woodrow Wilson. During one of his speeches for this party he would get grazed by a bullet shot by a man in the audience.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    In the early 1930's, one energy company, TVA, had taken over all other energy companies to keep prices low. Other companies was expensive and wasteful. Roosevelt helped TVA to become known.