Teddy Roosevelt Timeline Project

By 1383837
  • Theodore Roosevelt is born

    Theodore Roosevelt is born
    Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born at 28 East 20th Street in Manhattan, New York City.
  • Named President when McKinley is assassinated

    Named President when McKinley is assassinated
    Theodore Roosevelt was named president when president William McKinley was shot and killed
  • Coal Strike

    Coal Strike
    A strike by the United Mine Workers of America in the Anthracite coalfields of eastern Pennsylvania. The miners struck for higher wages, shorter workdays, and the recognition of their union.
  • Elkins Act passed

    Elkins Act passed
    Intended to prohibit railroads from providing rebates to preferred customers
  • Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge

    Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge
    With the encouragement of Frank Chapman, and the Florida Audubon Society, President Theodore Roosevelt established Pelican Island in the Indian River Lagoon as the first federal bird reservation giving birth to the National Wildlife Refuge System.
  • Wins first full term as President

    Wins first full term as President
    Theodore Roosevelt won the 30th quadrennial US presidential election for the Republicans, defeating the Democratic nominee, Alton B. Parker.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    It prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce and laid a foundation for the nation's first consumer protection agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Yosemite under Federal Control
    The State-controlled Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove was taken under Federal control with the rest of the National Park
  • Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument

    Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument
    First United States National Monument
  • Roosevelt leaves presidency, visits Africa

    Roosevelt leaves presidency, visits Africa
    Known as the Smithsonian–Roosevelt African Expedition, it was an expedition led by president Theodore Roosevelt, and outfitted by the Smithsonian Institute, to collect specimens for the Smithsonian's new Natural History museum.
  • Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party

    Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
    Teddy Roosevelt ran for president for the Progressive party, or Bull Moose Party, and comes in second to Woodrow Wilson.