Roosevelt 360x450

Teddy Roosevelt Timeline Project

  • TR the Rough Rider at San Juan Hill

    TR the Rough Rider at San Juan Hill
    Teddy Roosevelt and American forces led by William Rufus Shaffer, charged Spanish military at San Juan Hill. They called themselves Rough Riders and won lots of land that had been previously dominated by the Spanish. Teddy had been known to call it "the greatest day of my life".
  • TR 1st time named President (How? significance?)

    TR 1st time named President (How? significance?)
    Theodore Roosevelt was first named president after the assassination of William McKinley. At the time, he was the youngest person to be president in the nations history. He was a staunch advocate of progressive reform and having a strong foreign policy. When Theodore Roosevelt was named president, he was the first president who had not been born under the "log cabin" background. His ideas on progressiveness and conservation would transform the country.
  • Coal strike

    Coal strike
    This was a strike by United Mine Workers of America in which they refused to go into work for 5 months, from May 12th to October 23th 1902. This was the first labor dispute where the Federal government had to intervene. At the end of the day, the miners received a 10% increase in wages and their work day was cut from 10 hours to 9 hours. Theodore Roosevelt was heavily involved in the final negotiations of the ending of this strike.
  • National Reclamation Act

    National Reclamation Act
    This act is also called the "Newland Act" and it funded federal irrigation methods in 20 different states. This act was used as a method by congress to encourage more people to move out west. With this act, the United States Reclamation Service was created. The dams and other irrigation methods developed from this act would change the way the United States public works operate for years to come.
  • Elkins Act passed

    Elkins Act passed
    The Elkins act prohibited railroad companies from providing cheaper shipping prices to larger businesses which artificially lowered prices only for the big businesses. It was backed by Theodore Roosevelt and part of his anti-trust, busting big monopolies attitude. Roosevelt would later go onto replace the Elkins act with another act in the next couple years after the Elkins act was originally passed.
  • TR and the Northern Securities Case

    TR and the Northern Securities Case
    The Northern Securities Case was a supreme court case in which large railroad monopolist attempted to control many different railroads at the same time through illegal means. They artifically boosted their stock price and forced mergers in order to gain complete control while putting the balance of the New York Stock Exchange at risk. Theodore Roosevelt pushed for this case and it was the first case in which he would be dubbed the name of a "trust buster". The case ruled against big railroad.
  • Wins first full term as President

    Wins first full term as President
    Theodore Roosevelt ran on the platform of the three C's during his first politican campaign under the Republican Party nomination. The 3 C's stand for consumer protection, corporate regulation, and conservatism. He would go on to win the election with 56.4% of the popular vote.
  • Meat inspection Act

    Meat inspection Act
    This act established federally regulated slaughtering and sanitary conditions in the meat packaging industry. Companies could also no longer label meats as for human consumption when they were not processed correctly. The push for this act came largely after a book titled, "Jungle" by Upton Sinclair was released and it depicted the terrible conditions wtih in the meat packing industry. Theodore Roosevelt was a large supporter of this act.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    This act was also known as the Wiley Act and had been a massive push by the progressive movement era. It established safe regulatory procedures for potentially contaminated foods and medications across the country. Theodore Roosevelt was a large supporter of the movement and would sign the bill into law. This act would put sanitary standards on all U.S. food and drug production facilities.
  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Yosemite under Federal Control
    Yosemite national park is roughly the size of the state of Rhode Island, about 1,500 square miles. Yosemite is now one of the most prominent national parks in the country and draws more than 3 million people annually to the park. It was established largely because of Theodore Roosevelt's conservationist agenda and his love for the national parks. Yosemite is largely known for its large sequoia trees and beautiful scenery.
  • Leaves presidency, visits Africa (Purpose for going)

    Leaves presidency, visits Africa (Purpose for going)
    On this date, Theodore Roosevelt leaves for Africa to begin his year long expenditure. He would hunt animals and visit places and cities he had never been before. When he came back to the states, in 1910, he recounted many of his memories in a book titled, "African Game Trails". His voyage would be a topic of conversation in the press and would help him go on to establish a wilderness exploratory persona.
  • TR Runs for presidency in Bull-Moose Party

    TR Runs for presidency in Bull-Moose Party
    Theodore Roosevelt wanted to run for president again but William Howard Taft had the Republican nomination so he would start the Progressive Party and become their presidential nomination. The Bull-Moose Party, as it would be dubbed, was named that for the hotheadedness of Theodore Roosevelt. Most of the members of the Progressive Party were dissatisfied Republicans. They would ultimately loose the election of 1912.