Teddy Roosevelt Timeline Project

  • Theodore Roosevelt is born

    Theodore Roosevelt is born
    Theodore Roosevelt Jr.October 27, 1858 New York City, U.S.
  • Named President when McKinley is assassinated

    Named President when McKinley is assassinated
    President William McKinley is shaking hands at the Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo, New York, when a 28-year-old anarchist named Leon Czolgosz approaches him and fires two shots into his chest.
  • Elkins Act passed

    Elkins Act passed
    The Elkins Act specifically prohibited rebates and made the railroad corporation providing the rebate, as well as the shipper receiving it, liable under the law.
  • Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge

    Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge
    Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge is a United States National Wildlife Refuge, and part of the Everglades Headwaters NWR complex, located just off the western coast of North Hutchinson Island in the Indian River Lagoon east of Sebastian, Florida.
  • Elkins Act passed

    Elkins Act passed
    The Elkins Act specifically prohibited rebates and made the railroad corporation providing the rebate, as well as the shipper receiving it, liable under the law.
  • Wins first full term as President

    Wins first full term as President
    Roosevelt’s win marked the first time that a president not originally elected to the office succeeded in retaining the presidency.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    The basis of the law rested on the regulation of product labeling rather than pre-market approval.
  • Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument

    Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument
    Devils Tower was the first United States national monument, by President Theodore Roosevelt. The monument's boundary encloses an area of 1,347 acres
  • Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument

    Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument
    Devils Tower was the first United States national monument, by President Theodore Roosevelt. The monument's boundary encloses an area of 1,347 acres
  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Yosemite under Federal Control
    On October 1 of the following year, Congress set aside over 1,500 square miles of land, for what would become Yosemite National Park, America's third national park. In 1906, the state-controlled Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove came under federal jurisdiction with the rest of the park.
  • Leaves presidency, visits Africa

    Leaves presidency, visits Africa
    Immediately following Taft's inauguration in 1909, T.R. set out for Africa to hunt big game and collect specimens for the Smithsonian Institution.
  • Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party

    Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
    Democratic Governor Woodrow Wilson unseated incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft and defeated former President Theodore Roosevelt, who ran under the banner of the new Progressive or "Bull Moose" Party.
  • Energy crisis

    Energy crisis
    energy crisis is any significant bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to an economy.,The crisis began when the Arab producers of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) put in place an embargo on oil exports to the United States,threatened to cut back overall production 25 percent.