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Teddy Roosevelt Timeline Project

  • Theodore Roosevelt is born

    He was born in New York City.
  • Named President when McKinley is assassinated

    McKinley was assassinated and Vice President Theodore Roosevelt was immediately made president.
  • Elkins Act passed

    Congress sought to strengthen the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission to set maximum railroad freight rates.
  • Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge

    Established Pelican Island in the Indian River Lagoon as the first federal bird reservation giving birth to the National Wildlife Refuge System.
  • Wins first full term as President

    The Republican Party unanimously nominated incumbent President Theodore Roosevelt for president at their 1904 national convention.
  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Lacked government protection and were being overrun and destroyed by domestic sheep grazing, so the state-controlled Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove came under federal jurisdiction with the rest of the park.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce and laid a foundation for the nation’s first consumer protection agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument

    It was the first U.S. national monument. It can also be called Grizzly Bear Lodge.
  • Leaves presidency, visits Africa

    He went hunting for white rhinos and and collected specimens.
  • Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party

    The Progressive platform called for the direct election of U.S. senators, woman suffrage, reduction of the tariff and many social reforms.