Teddy Roosevelt Timeline

  • Teddy Roosevelt is born

    Teddy Roosevelt is born
    Born in New York City.
  • Yosemite Under Federal Control

    Yosemite Under Federal Control
    The Yosemite park is the first government owned land available to the public. Creates foundations for national parks.
  • Named President when McKinley is assassinated

    Named President when McKinley is assassinated
    After President McKinley is assassinated, Teddy Roosevelt moved up to being named president of the United States.
  • Elkins Act Passed

    Elkins Act Passed
    This Act allowed the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates.
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island
    In 1903, Theodore Roosevelt signed into act three acres of land set aside for a wildlife sanctuary.
  • Teddy wins first presidential term

    Teddy wins first presidential term
    Wins his first presidential term and defeats the democratic party.
  • Passage of Pure Drug and Food Act

    Passage of Pure Drug and Food Act
    Roosevelt passed this act to prohibit the sale of misbranded or adultered food and drug in the interstate commerce.
  • Devils Tower

    Devils Tower
    Devil's Tower was the first ever National Monument Built in Crook County, Wyoming.
  • Leaves Presidency, Visits Africa

    Leaves Presidency, Visits Africa
    Teddy Roosevelt left his presidency in 1909, to go and spend several months in Africa. During his time in Africa, he recorded a documentary.
  • Runs for President, Unsuccessful for Bull-Moose Party

    Runs for President, Unsuccessful for Bull-Moose Party
    Roosevelt was shot before a speech in Milwaukee. When he recovers in November, he is defeated for presidency by Woodrow Wilson.