President after McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in after McKinley was assassinated -
Wins first full term as President
Theodore Roosevelt was elected as 26th president -
Elkin's Act
Outlawed changing/excessive rates for railroad companies -
Pelican Island, Florida
Named first national wildlife refuge -
Energy Crisis
A strike in coal feilds threatened coal famine -
Pure Food and Drug Act
Prevented unsafe or mislabeled food from being sold to the public -
Devil's Tower, Wyoming
Named first national monument -
Yosemite under Federal Control
America's 3rd national park, the state took control of this park -
Roosevelt Visits Africa
Theodore Roosevelt left after serving as president in 1908 to hunt in Africa -
Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
Theodore Roosevelt was unsuccessful with the Bull-Moose Party -
Theodore Roosevelt is born
26th president is born