Teddy roosevelt timeline

  • theodore roosevelt born

    theodore roosevelt born
    President Roosevelt was born in October 27 1858 in New York City. His family was wealthy and he was able to attend Harvard University, and served the New York state legislature all the way to 1884.
  • wins first full term as president

    wins first full term as president
    Roosevelt's first full term was won by his policy goals, the national park system. He was a republican and won the vote with 336 electoral votes. He was a progression support and it sparked his support that would last him in his 2 terms.
  • McKinley assassinated

    McKinley assassinated
    McKinley’s shocking assassination led to a long running of roosevelt. He was very young and became impressionable for his trust busting views and conservationist ideals. This was the beginning of Roosevelt's era.
  • the coal strike

    the coal strike
    The coal strike was popular since after the industrial revolution many households and businesses used coal. However, obtaining coal was difficult for the labor work and for the dangers of working in the mines, causing many people to strike. Roosevelt decided to take a long term investigation on the factor. That was not the end, he ended up opposing it much like other factories.
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island
    Pelican island was named the first national wildlife refuge. Along with the establishment of Pelican island, Roosevelt created the national wildlife refuge system. He created 50 more bird reserves and throughout the duration of the refuge system.
  • yosemite under federal control

    yosemite under federal control
    After a conversation with a man by the name of John Muir, Roosevelt decided that Yosemite was worth preserving. In 1906, Roosevelt signed the american antiquities act that transferred Yosemite and other historic lands and structures back under federal control.
  • devil's tower

    devil's tower
    The devils tower was made under the antiquities act which is the power to give national monuments. This is significant to Teddy Roosevelt's legacy, he is known for preserving wildlife and this is an example of it.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    When reading the book The Jungle Roosevelt was disgusted with the descriptions of meat factories. When reading this he ordered an inspection on the meat packing industry, leading to the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 (later to be called the Pure Food Act of 1906). Also the Drug Act of 1906 was put in for mislabeling. Emporiums would sell cocaine to heal wisdom teeth, without the side effects being labeled.
  • visit to africa

    visit to africa
    Roosevelt’s expedition to Africa after presidency made the press very curious. This expedition led him to write “African Game Trails”; this book describes his hunting trip and gave an outsider the look of the inside of Africa’s beauty to a hunter.
  • the elkins act

    the elkins act
    The elkins act was an act to stop rebates which is to end refunding and move away from the business. Now this is important from the fact that Roosevelt wanted to stop monopolies which is shown when he supports act like, the Sherman Trust Act. Roosevelt is a popularized individual when it comes to being a trust buster. He supported this act in secret, making him very suspicious when it comes to what he stands for.
  • the bull moose party

    the bull moose party
    The Bull Moose party was the name of Roosevelt’s Progressive party. This was a response to losing the presidential nomination for the Republican Party, even still he lost.