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Teddy Roosevelt timeline

  • Teddr Roosevelt the rough rider at San Juan Hill

    Teddr Roosevelt the rough rider at San Juan Hill
    During the battle of San Juan hill in the Spanish-American war in 1898. Teddy Roosevelt joined Colonel Leonard Wood's First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, soon to become known as the Rough Riders.
  • 1st time named president

    1st time named president
    Teddy Roosevelt became the preisdent after William McKinley was assasinated. Roosevelt was the youngest president in history.
  • coal strike

    coal strike
    miners went on strike for highr wages, shorter workdays, and the recognition of their union.
  • National Reclamation act

    National Reclamation act
    The national reclamation act is a United States federal law that funded irrigation projects for the arid lands of 20 states in the American West
  • Elkin act

    Elkin act
    This act authorized interstate commerce commision to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates
  • Wins first full term as president

    Wins first full term as president
    The 1904 United States presidential election was the 30th election Republican President Theodore Roosevelt defeated the Democratic nominee, Alton B. Parker.
  • Teddy Roosevelt and the northern securities case

    Teddy Roosevelt and the northern securities case
    the U.S. Supreme Court held that a holding company formed to create a railroad monopoly violated the Sherman Antitrust Law. The government's victory in the case helped solidify President Theodore Roosevelt's reputation as a “trustbuster.”
  • Passage of pure food and drug act

    Passage of pure food and drug act
    The passage of pure food and drug act was passed by Teddy Roosevelt in 1906 and it prevented the sale of misbranded, poisonus, or deleterious food, drugs, and medications.
  • yosemite under federal control

    yosemite under federal control
    The beauty and magnificence of Yosemite led Roosevelt to expand federal protection of Yosemite.
  • Leaves Presidency to visit Africa

    Leaves Presidency to visit Africa
    Teddy Roosevelt went to Africa to collect specimens for the smithsonian new natural history museum
  • Teddy Roosevelt runs as Bull-Moose party

    Teddy Roosevelt runs as Bull-Moose party
    The Progressive Party was popularly nicknamed the "Bull Moose Party" when Teddy Roosevelt said that he felt as strong as a bull-moose when he lost the republican nomination
  • Meat inspection act

    Meat inspection act
    The meat inspection act was enacted to ensure sanitary packaging of meatn and prevent misbranded meat products from being sold.