Yosemite Under Federal Control
Yosemite National Park was created in 1890 and was signed into action by our 23rd president, Benjamin Harrison.
The legislation signed by Harrison protected more than 1,500 sq. miles. Once signed, it became the 3rd National Park within the United States.
https://www.nps.gov/yose/learn/news/yose120.htm#:~:text=Yosemite%20National%20Park%20was%20designated,120th%20birthday%20of%20the%20park. -
Theodore Roosevelt 'The Rough Rider at San Juan Hill'
The 'Rough Riders' were a U.S. Army calvalry who volunteered to charge up San Juan's Heights and capture Spanish positions for intel. -
Roosevelt in Office (Officially)
Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th President of the United States unexpectedly after the not well known assasination of our 25th Predident William McKinley. https://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/theodore-roosevelt -
Anthracite Coal Srike
T. Roosevelt was prepared to take governmental action in the coal mining business by implementing the U.S. Army. In the Anthracite coalfields of eastern Pennsylvania, miners wanted higher wages, shorter workdays, and the recognition of their union. https://www.dol.gov/general/aboutdol/history/coalstrike#:~:text=Strikes%20and%20the%20public%20interest&text=The%20victory%20in%20the%20anthracite,reputation%20of%20President%20Theodore%20Roosevelt. -
The National Reclamation Act
President Theodore Roosevelt signed the National Reclamation Act into law. The aim was to irrigate the west, providing water to the new lands. The land was reclaimed for advancing in "Agricultural America." https://www.usbr.gov/lc/phoenix/AZ100/1900/topstory.html#:~:text=Thus%2C%20as%20the%2019th%20century,development%20of%20Western%20water%20resources.&text=On%20June%2017%2C%201902%2C%20President,National%20Reclamation%20Act%20into%20law. -
The Elkins Act
Roosevelt signed off on the Elkins Act, effectively permitting heavy fines on railroads that offered refunds, and upon the shippers that accepted these repayments. Now, the federal governement gave courts the power to end rate discrimination from which were widely supported giving an unfair implements.
https://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Capitalism-and-Labor/The-Elkins-Act#: -
Theodore Roosevelt and the Northern Securities Case
The United States Supreme Court declared the monopolies to be in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and the illegal restriction of trade. This all was brought to focus is 1902 but was official in 1904.
https://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Capitalism-and-Labor/The-Northern-Securities-Case#:~:text=In%201902%2C%20President%20Theodore%20Roosevelt,sued%20to%20appeal%20the%20ruling. -
Theodore Roosevelt Wins First Full Term as President
Roosevelt became the first president to win a full term after gaining office upon the death of his predecessor, William McKinley. -
The Meat Inspection Act
Theo. Roosevelt signed off on a law prohibitng the slaugtering of animals unsanitarily. Upton Sinclair's novel, "The Jungle" is what brought this issue to Roosevelts attention. The U.S Dep. of Agriculture was now required to inspect the processesing of any and all meat. Which was slightly innefective.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Meat-Inspection-Act -
The Pure Food and Drug Act
This act was passed by Congress on June 30th, the same day as the Meat Inspection Act, and signed by Theodore Roosevelt. It was created, for essentially the same reason as the Meat Inspection Act, to prevent the manufacture, sale, or transportation of or misbranded or poisonous food, drugs, medications, and liquors. https://library.weill.cornell.edu/about-us/snake%C2%A0oil%C2%A0-social%C2%A0media-drug-advertising-your-health/food-and-drug-administration- -
T. Roosevelt leaves the United States for an Expedition
Roosevelt had left for Africa to hunt and collect specimens for the Smithsonian Institution. This expedition that he took with his son collected around 11,400 animal specimens. Thoedore Roosevelt decided it was best to leave the political stage to Taft, his Secretary of War. -
Theodore Roosevelt Runs for President Under the "Bull-Moose Party"
The Republican Party had needless Roosevelt as a reliable candidate so in response to this rejuction, TR creates a Progressive 3rd Party, the Bull-Moose Party. Though the country did not find their party to be THE choice for America. They stole half of the Republican votes from his "sucessor", William Howard Taft.