Theodore Roosevelt is born
On October 27, 1858, Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City to Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch. Theodore, or “Teddy”, was homeschooled due to his illnesses and his asthma. Teddy soon became infatuated with weightlifting and boxing, and had a very happy childhood. http://www.biography.com/people/theodore-roosevelt-9463424 -
Named President when McKinley is assassinated
On September 6, 1901, Leon Czolgosz shot William McKinley twice in the chest. He was rushed into surgery, however, on September 14, he succumbed to his injuries. Theodore Roosevelt, McKinley’s vice president, was immediately sworn in as the new president.
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/president-william-mckinley-is-shot -
Energy Crisis
A strike in the coal fields of Pennsylvania threatened a coal famine. About 150,000 miners went on strike, and coal was the major source of energy for the United States. Roosevelt intervened and was able to end the strike by meeting with operators and finding a solution to the problem.
https://www.dol.gov/general/aboutdol/history/coalstrike -
Elkins Act Passed
The Elkins Act allowed the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and on the shippers that accepted these rebates. The railroad companies were not permitted to offer rebates. Railroad corporations, their officers and employees were all made liable for discriminatory practices.
http://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Capitalism-and-Labor/The-Elkins-Act.aspx -
Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge
In March of 1903, Roosevelt, with the encouragement of Frank Chapman and Florida Audubon Society, established Pelican Island as the first national wildlife refuge in the United States. The Pelican Island refuge was created to protect egrets and other birds from extinction. This event started the National Wildlife Refuge System.
https://www.fws.gov/refuge/pelican_island/about/history.html -
Wins first full term as President
At the 1904 Republican Convention, the Republican Party unanimously nominated Theodore Roosevelt for president. Roosevelt ran against the Alton B. Parker, the Democratic nomination. While running for president, Roosevelt urged people to support his “Square Deal” policies and won by more than 2.5 million popular votes on November 8, 1904.
http://www.270towin.com/1904_Election/ -
Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act
Thanks to Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, food safety was a prominent issue in society. In 1906, the Food and Drug Act was passed in order to protect the public against misbranding and health hazards in the food and drug industry.
http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h917.html -
Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument
Support grew for the act of preserving the Devil’s Tower as a national monument as more people began to settle in the Black Hills. While there is no evidence that he had ever been to visit Devil’s Tower, it was a well known fact that Roosevelt appreciated natural history. Devil’s Tower was the first national monument created under the Roosevelt administration. https://www.nps.gov/deto/learn/historyculture/first-fifty-years-monument-established.htm -
Yosemite under Federal Control
In 1903, John Muir gave Roosevelt a tour of the Yosemite Park, and asked him to protect the park. Roosevelt and state authorities gave in to Muir’s persuasive words and returned the Yosemite Grant to the federal government in 1906.
https://www.nps.gov/yose/learn/historyculture/muir.htm -
Leaves Presidency, visits Africa
In 1908, Roosevelt declined the offer to run for presidency. Instead, he appointed William Howard Taft and went to Africa in 1909 with his son, Kermit. Roosevelt was driven by nature and wanted to leave the political world and explore his natural surroundings.
http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/tr.htm -
Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
In 1912, Roosevelt was nominated for the presidency by a Progressive Party known as the Bull Moose Party. On October 12, 1912, Roosevelt was about to give a campaign speech when he was shot at close range by William Schrenk. He recovered, but in November 1912, he was defeated by Woodrow Wilson and lost the presidency due to the divided Republican Party.