Teddy Roosevelt

  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Yosemite under Federal Control
    Congress authorized presidents to proclaim permanent forest reserves on the public domain.
  • TR 1st time named President

    TR 1st time named President
    TR was first named president because of the assassination of William McKinley.
  • Coal strike

    Coal strike
    a strike for higher wages, shorter workdays, and the recognition of their union.
  • National Reclamation Act

    National Reclamation Act
    The National Reclamation Act required that water users repay construction costs from which they received benefits.
  • Elkins Act passed

    Elkins Act passed
    The Elkins act gave federal courts the power to end rate discrimination
  • TR and the Northern Securities Case

    TR and the Northern Securities Case
    this was the first example of Roosevelt's use of anti-trust legislation to dismantle a monopoly.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce
  • meat inspection act

    meat inspection act
    The mean inspection act was a law passed to ensure that meat and meat products are slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions.
  • Period: to

    Leaves presidency, visits Africa

    He went on an expedition with his son.
  • TR Runs for presidency in Bull-Moose Party

    TR Runs for presidency in Bull-Moose Party
    He ran for presidency in bull-moose party he felt "strong as a bull moose" after losing the Republican nomination in June 1912 at the Chicago convention.
  • TR the Rough Rider at San Juan Hill

    TR the Rough Rider at San Juan Hill
    He rode up and down the hill encouraging his men with the orders to "March!" He killed one Spaniard with a revolver salvaged from the Maine. Other regiments continued alongside him, and the American flag was raised over San Juan Heights.