Teddy roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt

  • Yosemite

    Muir was talking to Roosevelt about the conservation that got a hold of Roosevelt's attention. Teddy later signed the American Antiquities Act of 1906 to put Yosemite's Valley under federal protection. internationally recognized for its granite cliffs, waterfalls, clear streams, giant sequoia groves, lakes, mountains, meadows, glaciers, and biological diversity. Almost 95% of the park is designated wilderness
  • Rough Rider at San Juan Hill

    Rough Rider at San Juan Hill
    a major battle of the Spanish & American War fought between an American force under the command of William Rufus Shafter and Joseph Wheeler against a Spanish force. Rough Riders departed from Tampa without their horses. On July 1, Roosevelt, having secured a horse led his forces in a charge up Kettle Hill outside of Santiago.seizing these heights, American guns commanded the harbor at Santiago. Roosevelt urged the Rough Riders' evacuation fearing the continuing spread of disease.
  • Presidency

    McKinley was shaking hands with the public, he was shot in the abdomen twice. 8 days later on September 14 he died from gangrene. His body tissues were dying from the gunshot wounds. Considering Roosevelt was Vice President, when McKinley died, Roosevelt was declared President.
  • Coal Strike

    Coal Strike
    A great strike in the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania threatened a coal famine. The miners had went on strike because they wanted higher wages, shorter work days, The strike had threatened to shut down the entire winter fuel supply.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    The Elkins Act was used to prohibit railroads from accepting rebates and ensured all the customers the same. This act was named for Senator Stephen B. Elkins, the act gave federal courts the power to end rate discrimination and upheld the rates published by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The bill was passed and signed by Teddy Roosevelt.
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island
    The very First National Wildlife refuge in the United States was established by Teddy Roosevelt. It was created to protect birds during hunting seasons. It is the first federal bird reservation. Wildlife refuges eventually accommodated all wildlife. The refuge system’s virtue of empathy towards wildlife has saved species from extinction.
  • Full Term As President

    Full Term As President
    Theodore Roosevelt unexpectedly became the 26th president of the United States in September 1901. He was the first president to win a reelection in 1904.brought a new energy into the White House with how young he was. Roosevelt won a Nobel Peace Prize for his negotiations to end the Russo-Japanese War and spearheaded the beginning of construction on the Panama Canal.
  • Devil's Tower

    Devil's Tower
    In 1906 Teddy Roosevelt authorized the Antiquities Act. This act gave the president power to declare public proclamation of historic / pre-historic landmarks of scientific interest upon lands that are controlled by the Government. The Devil's Tower was named the first ever national monument. It is 1,267 above the Belle Fourche River.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    The main purpose of the Pure Food And Drug Act was to ban foreign and interstate traffic in adulterated or mislabeled food and drug products. This prevented products being sold that could be mis-branded and poisonous, such as meat and pharmacy drugs.The drugs used to make you "feel better" are drugs that are extremely harmful and addicting today no labels nor ingredients on the medicines you were buying before 1907.
  • Visits Africa

    Visits Africa
    When he went to Africa with his son to get specimens for the Smithsonian Institution and for the American Museum Of Natural History. He went back to the U.S with over 1,000 animals. 500 big animals. Theodore and his son killed 517 beasts, 17 lions, 11 elephants, and 20 rhinoceros. He was in Africa for about a year and returned back in America in June, 1910.
  • Bull-Moose Party

    Bull-Moose Party
    Progressive Party which was often referred to as the "Bull Moose Party" was a third party in the United States formed in 1912 by former president Theodore Roosevelt after he lost the presidential nomination of the Republican Party. Which ended up making William Howard Taft President.