
TED 200

  • Separting the Chuch and State

    Separting the Chuch and State
    This was a very important step towords modern day education. No longer could schools force prayers, religious studies, or other mandated faith on students. This made schools focus to be more on the students benifiting society rather then learning how to practice a religion. By doing so students eyes were opened to the possiblilites out side of religion and getting more and more opportunities to succeed after school and in the real world.
  • Child Study Movement

    Child Study Movement
    The Child Study Movement was incredibly important because the teachers now had a way to understand a childs train of thought. This movement gave birth to the ideas of how and why students think and act the ways they do. This was pivotal because educators soon became aware of teaching methods and different ways to help differnet learners. When looking at it all together, this broaden the teaching horizions in order to help the individual as well as the class as a whole.
  • The Cardinal Principles Report of 1918

    The Cardinal Principles Report of 1918
    This itself created the schools that we have today. We can thank the Cardinal Principles Report of 1918 for giving us the classes like sewing, woodshop, and computer science. By giving students more varitey it prepares them for not only college but: Technical school, Vocational school, or being a homemaker. With out The Cardinal Principles Report of 1918 the students would not have the modern day classes that students have come to appreciate.
  • Technology In The Classroom

    Technology In The Classroom
    Virtual education has been growing immensely with the help of state led online schooling. Cell phones and tablets have soon become one of the most controvercial topics in the classroom. The positive side affects being that technology is always at a students finger tips while the down side is that games, social media, and videos are as well. Teachers have soon made different assignement, projects, and activities surrounding the internet in order to better include students technological mindframe.
  • No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
    The no child left behind act was the first step (of many) in the right direction for the federal goverment to hold state schools accountable. Their is still a lot of room for imporovement in NCLB. Helping students get to school, helping secondary education as much as elementary schools, and stop narrowing curriculum are all things that need to happen in order for NCLB to continue to move forward.