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Technology Use Timeline UPDATE! May 2019

  • Period: to

    Spring Semester

  • Quizizz Adventure

    Quizizz Adventure
    The first time I ever launched Quizizz was based on educator recommendation from this course! I used it for an assessment tool in TCH 478 and I tried it with 5 students that I tutored to start off. I was able to see if there was any troubleshooting that I needed to, there wasn't! I was also able to see how EXCITED students were to be doing it. We made time to do Quizizz or Jeopardy in every tutoring session thereafter.
  • Quizizz Word Spread

    Before I could even get started with my kids the next day, tutoring kids were telling their teachers and other students how awesome Quizizz was. These are students that have also never played Kahoot before, so this leaderboard and gamification style learning was SO fun for them.
  • Renting the Computer Lab Out

    Renting the Computer Lab Out
    Time to rent the computer lab out to give equal access to all of my 4th grade students to try out Quizizz. We started doing some fun test preparation for PARCC!
  • PowToon

    Experiment Phase of the reDesign project came another new technology called PowToon. There wasn't a way for me to throw another mythology activity in to experiment for the project, so I decided to pilot it with one student who is pretty technology savvy. I wanted to see what would happen if I told him about the platform and just let him go. I told him to give us a recap of his Spring Break. I learned that PowToon will be very fun, but I will have to give a rubric for it to be effective.
  • Research Papers via Google Docs

    Research Papers via Google Docs
    The students voted to publish their last two essays on their Google Drives and that was the first time I had ever had students do more than just their end of the year essay, so I guess my comfort level with technology has grown through this semester!