Technology Use Timeline

  • Period: to

    Nikola Tesla & Inventions

    Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and application of electric power.
  • Utilization of A/C Power

    Tesla developed polyphase alternating current systems of generators, motors and transformers, eventually holding 40 basic US patents. These were bought by George Westinghouse, who was determined to supply America with the Tesla system, which eventually won out as the superior technology and became the standard power in the 20th century.
  • Tesla Coil

    A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1891. It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency alternating-current electricity.
  • Induction Motor

    An induction motor or asynchronous motor is an AC electric motor in which the electric current in the rotor needed to produce torque is obtained by electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of the stator winding.
  • Radio Controlled Boat

    In 1898, Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat (U.S. Patent 613,809 —Method of an Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vehicle or Vehicles).
  • Magnifying Transmitter

    The magnifying transmitter was an adaptation of the Tesla coil. Instead of being designed to discharge to the earth the magnifying transmitter tuned to the natural resonant circuit of the Earth to create standing waves of electrical energy, which could be harnessed by a tuned receiving circuit