Technology Use Progression

  • Playstation

    I got my first console was a playstation. I got it during Christmas during that year. It was the first time I was able to play video games and I really enjoyed it.
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    I got my first console was a playstation. I got it during Christmas during that year. It was the first time I was able to play video games and I really enjoyed it.
  • iPod Touch

    I got my first iPod touch. It was also my first handheld device. I liked it a lot because I was able to play games on it and also listen to music on it which I wasn't able to do before.
  • Period: to

    iPod Touch

    I got my first iPod touch. It was also my first handheld device. I liked it a lot because I was able to play games on it and also listen to music on it which I wasn't able to do before.
  • iPhone

    I got my first iPhone. It was important for me I was able to be on social media. As well as contacting friends and family.
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    I got my first iPhone. It was important for me I was able to be on social media. As well as contacting friends and family.
  • Computer

    I got my first computer. I used it for schoolwork a lot during high school. I also played a lot of games on it as well.
  • Period: to


    I got my first computer. I used it for schoolwork a lot during high school. I also played a lot of games on it as well.
  • Car

    I got my first car. I was able to buy it used and for a good price. It was important to be because I was able to drive places and start to be more independent when it came to transportation.
  • Period: to


    I got my first car. I was able to buy it used and for a good price. It was important to be because I was able to drive places and start to be more independent when it came to transportation.