Technology Use Progression

  • 2010 - The first iPhone

    I was in first grade, and I remember my parents coming home one day with new phones. They were touch screen and unlike the other phones my parents had previously had. My siblings and I loved the camera to see ourselves, as every little kid probably does.
  • 2013 - My Flip Phone

    Being obsessed with new technology and seeing that my friends were all getting phones, I wanted to join them. When I got to Junior High school my parents bought me a slide phone, which I had seen before but never used. I soon realized how useless a phone was when I was not motivated to use it, because I wanted the latest technology. My friends and I used my slide phone to prank call people.
  • 2015 - MY First iPhone

    For Christmas, my freshman year of high school, I finally got an iPhone! The iPhone 7 was the latest thing and that is what my parents brought me. I was so happy and grateful to be able to finally have some fun with my own technology that worked without Wi-Fi, I had an iPod touch prior to this, and it was a good taste of what life with an iPhone could be like.
  • 2016 - Apple Watch

    Shortly, after I received my iPhone I got an apple watch, which was a hand-me-down from my mom. I was still super stoked and grateful for her generosity in sharing her things with me. I wore the watch for a month or so before deciding that as a kid in high school playing sports and everything else that highschoolers do, I did not like the feel of a big watch on my wrist that I had to constantly take on and off, so I gave it to my sister.
  • 2023 - School Supplies

    Now to the current day, after I returned home from serving a two-year mission for my church I purchased a laptop computer for school. Then in December for Christmas I was given my very own iPad to help me with school and other priorities in my life. I feel very thankful that I had the funds to purchase my laptop and that I am able to receive an education. I am also thankful to my loving parents who provided extra ways for me to be able to enhance my learning on technology.