Technology Use Progression

  • Camera Phone

    The camera phone was invented in 2001 with the nokia 7650 and the Sanyo SPC-5300. I remember growing up, during the holidays having my mom always with a big, bulky camera in her hand as she shot videos and pictures of my siblings and I, then having to transfer the photos onto another device.
    The camera phone really changed this culture. After the first came out, they progressively got better, to the point where now the nicest phone camera is much better than any camera in the year 2001.
  • Youtube

    My older brothers and I loved to play outside more than anything, especially in 2005 when I lived in Virginia. The weather was nice and things were great, but we got an email once from our cousin in Arizona. He told us to check out a video on youtube about a man that changed his hands into bananas. My brothers and I now had a new distraction other than playing outside that entertained us for hours.
  • Wii

    The Wii was not the first videogame console I owned, but it was one of the best. My brothers and I got so good at guitar hero that even I, a 7 year old kid, could simultaneously strum and change the notes on my fingers multiple times per second, all on key. I was playing songs on expert before learning how to order my own food at a restaurant.
  • iPhone

    Though I remember when the iPhone came out, I do not remember knowing anyone that had one until a few years later. My parents were always fans of the blackberry. My dad preferred typing on an actual keyboard over touchscreen. Both my parents however, made the switch to apple products over the next few years, and now we have every member in my family on an iPhone.
  • Bitcoin

    I never truly understood bitcoin until recent years, but I had some idea of what it was thanks to other videogames I played.
    The invention of bitcoin was monumental in the world of cryptocurrency, starting a trend that would lead to much of the way money is distributed and invested today.