Technology Use Progression 40 40 unread replies. 41 41 replies.

  • 1999-2004 First taste of technology

    1999-2004 First taste of technology
    I fall into Gen Z generation. This was the introduction to my fa vorite times of being a child ranging from PC games to handheld devices before the start of Iphone. 1999-2004 during this time My father bought the 2 Imac G3 for what we called the computer room. Everyday after school myself and my siblings would always take turns playing whatever games we had on that computer. My most fond memory was playing Starcraft for the very first time.
  • 2005-2010 introduction to school technology

    2005-2010 introduction to school technology
    2005-2010 during this time was the first introduction to using school computers. I was in elementary school. Alot of the programs that we used in school was all computer based, and taught us how to type and to spell.
  • 2011-2014

    2011-2014 When I was going from middle school to Highschool I was given a DS for christmas. This was considered my “first” phone because I never set that thing down. Later on about 3 years later I was gifted a 3Ds
  • 2015-2018

    2015-2018 My I got my first computer that helped me with all my school work. Since it wasnt your normal PC, it was a gaming laptop. At the time that was amazing, but over the years it developed issues an a lot of my work was delayed because it would run low on ram or wouldnt have all features that an apple computer would have
  • 2019-2022

    2019-2022 when the PS5 was finally released I was able to play and see all the amazing features that where presented compared to the PS4. I feel in love with the consal an played it for countless hours. During this time I had a decent sized TV which made the graphics and details really pop out