Responding in part to scientific advances in the Soviet Unior, the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) serves to improve math, science and foreign language instruciton.
Period: to
ET5013 Analysis 1
First handheld calculator invented,
Sesame Street
First Apple Mcintosh invented.
The first Illinois school report cards were distributed to parents and citizens.
District receives overheads
The WWW is invented.
At the first "Tech 2000," Illinois students demonstrated classroom technolgy at the State Capitol.
A pilot for Illinois Virtual High Shcool (IVHS) is launched.
No Child Left Behind Act signed by President George W. Bush
District converts to an internet-based Individual Education Program
Transition Plan (part of IEP) was added to the internet-based program.
Smart Board introduced into classrooms.
LCD projectors mounted into classrooms.
All school districts must implement a new principal evaluation system that incorporates student achievement growth and meets minimum requirements set forth in the law and administrative rules.
Staff received labtops.