STEM Robotics Timeline_Kennedi Howard
The First Robot was Invented
The first robot was invented in 1954 by George Devol. George named it the Unimate. The Unimate was a mechanical robotic arm that was able to do day to day things(moving things), repetitively -
Encyclopedia Project
Douglas Lenat makes the initiative to teach robots the basic knowledge about our world and how to understand our world -
PUMA 560
The robotic surgical arm is used in a documented procedure for first time -
The mobile Robots Group at MIT created the first walking robot. -
Prototype 2
In 1996 Honda invented a robot that was able to walk, carry things, and climb stairs. -
Sony Robot
Sony creates a robot dog, that responded to sound and also had programmed behavior. -
The Space Station Manipulator System (SSRMS)
The SSRMS is successfully launched in to orbit and begins its operations for the International Space Station. -
Robots in 2020
Some of the Robots that are in developments at the moment are Google's worker robots(Google plans to make worker robots with personalities), Multi-tasking bots(to make a gourmet hamburger in less than 10 seconds), UR3 arm, Sual Robot, Paro Robot and many more are in the works.