Technology Timeline of Age

  • The First ever Automonlie

    The First ever Automonlie
    The fist ever Automobile was made for an reason. The reason it was made is so than you could get farther in a shorter amount of time.
  • The first Computer

    The first Computer
    The first computer the ENIAC which stands for, "Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator" was used for an easy and quick and afishent way to do math without doing it by hand.
  • The first cell phone

    The first cell phone
    The first cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper. It made so that you can talk to be people you are firends with or to talk to someone that is important that you needed to call, instead of walk all the way home and using the home phone. So you could use it on the go also.
  • when windows luanched

    when windows luanched
    The reason windows was launched is so that you have more areas to surch on the interne. Also widows was manly launched for faster access do your website you were goin so you didn'thave to wasit as long.