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Technology Timeline for Christina Davis

  • First Gaming System

    First Gaming System
    I can remember the excitement experienced by my family when we brought home our first gaming system. My father had purchased a used Atari gaming system and brought it home. We were so exicted to play Pong for hours on end.
  • Nintendo Gaming System

    Nintendo Gaming System
    The second gaming system my parents purchased was Nintendo. We had two games, Mario Brothers andTetris, and we played them repeatedly.
  • Philips Compact Disc Interactive (CDI)

    Philips Compact Disc Interactive (CDI)
    My father purchased a gaming/learning system from Mack and Daves in Huntington, WV called CD-I. I have never known anyone that had a similar system but this was an important peice of technology in our home. The CDI system had games and learning CD's that were interactive using the wired controller.
  • First email account

    First email account
    During my junior year in high school I was introduced to email by the librarian at my school. My first emails were filled with forwards and sending pictures to my family and friends. I never envisioned how important emails would become when I became an adult.
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    The first computer my family ever purchased was near the end of my senior year in high school. I don't remember much about the computer, but I do remember the sound it made when using AOL dialup to connect to the internet.
  • First Marshall Class using a Mac

    One of my first classes at Marshall University was an English Class that required the use of Macintosh Computers to write during class. I had difficulty navigating the computer programs even though the professor repeatedly told us that the Mac was "the best computer ever."
  • Apple Iphone

    I purchased an Apple iPhone and was instantly taken by the ease of use. I enjoyed the smart phone technology as my previous cell phone was very limited in function. Smart Phones opened a whole new avenue to connect to the Internet, send email, and search for information.
  • First IPad

    My first iPad was a gift from my husband. I used my ipad with my children to work on letter sounds, letter names, and counting. I saw the value of the technology and knew it would be a valuable asset to my classroom
  • Class Set of iPads

    I was given a classroom set of 10 iPads to use with the students in my classroom.
  • CIEC 635

    I began taking a coure at Marshall University that will help me learn more about technology and how it can be used to help both my students and myself.