
Technology Timeline

  • Got my first CD player

    Got my first CD player
    Got my First CD player for christmas. My parents forgot the CDs though.
  • Got a Walkman

    Got a Walkman
    I also discovered the group M2M. LOVED them as a kid.
  • First cell phone

    First cell phone
    My dad kept forgetting to get me from school. So he caved and got me a cell phone to remind him to pick me up.
  • Got an ipod nano

    Got an ipod nano
    The cool kind that could play movies. Helped a ton when I was an early morning janitor.
  • Got my first non referbished computer

    Got my first non referbished computer
  • Got a pink chocolat phone

    Got a pink chocolat phone
    Though it didnt work half the time, I was able to send my first text message.
  • Saw an ultra-sound of my first baby boy

    Saw an ultra-sound of my first baby boy
    what a special moment in my life
  • Got my Nikon D3200

    Got my Nikon D3200
    A real camera to capture lifes moments.
  • Got a new laptop

    Got a new laptop
    Needed a new computer to edit photos.
  • Got Lightroom

    Got Lightroom
    Needed the editing program in order to edit photos.