I still have my first radio, it's a big black boombox. There was a dial to change the station and a flip to change from AM to FM radio. -
computers have been around for me since i can remember in kindergarten. I remember walking past the computer labs, but we didnt start using them till first grade -
Overhead projector
The first time i saw an overhead projector was in first grade, and we used them all up to Jr. High. -
CD player
My first CD player was one of those hand-held ones. I remember using it in car rides all the time. -
My parents never let us have msn messenger or anything, so the first email i had was the one they gave us through the school in Jr. High. -
I got my first ipod in 7th grade, i would bring it to school because i thought it was so cool. -
Shortly after getting the school email, i opened up a gmail so that i could chat with my friends online after school. -
I got my first phone in 8th grade. I had begged my parents everyday up until then. It was the env2 phone, basically the biggest brick you could have. On the plus side, it never broke. -
Facebook wasnt big in my Jr High until 8th grade, but then everyone was always on facebook. -
Touchscreen phone
I got my first touch screen phone in 9th grade and loved it, everyone wanted a touchscreen phone -
Aux Cord
When i got my car, i got the Aux Cord that connect my ipod to the car radio. -
ipod touch
i remember iphones were big in high school, but for the first couple months i didnt have one so i would bring my ipod to school and pretend it was an iphone. -
When i went into high school i finally got an Iphone! i was so excited. -
Probably the last big techonogly purchase of mine was my MacBook. It's amazing how I am caring a computer around with me to class everyday.