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Technology Timeline 8B Fernanda

  • 1452

    The Pascalina

    The Pascalina
    The inventor and painter Leonardo Da Vencí traced the ideas for a mechanical adder. A century and a half later, the French philosopher and mathematician Balicé Pascal finally invented and built the first mechanical adder.
  • 1518

    From the Abaco to the punched card

    From the Abaco to the punched card
      THE ABACUS; Maybe it was the first mechanical accounting device that existed. It has been estimated that it originated at least 5000 years ago and its effectiveness has withstood the test of time.
  • The First Computer

    The First Computer
    The first mechanical calculating machine, a precursor of the digital computer, was invented in 1642 by the French mathematician Blaise Pascal.
  • Joseph Marie Jacquard

    Joseph Marie Jacquard
    In France, Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a loom that uses perforated wooden cards to automatically weave fabric designs. The first computers would use similar punch cards.
  • The Analytical Machine

    The Analytical Machine
    Also in the 19th century the British mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage elaborated the principles of the modern digital computer. He invented a series of machines, such as the differential machine, designed to solve complex mathematical problems.Many historians consider Babbage and his partner, the British mathematician Augusta Ada Byron, daughter of the English poet Lord Byron, as the true inventors of the modern digital computer.
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    Herman Hollerith designs a perforated card system to calculate the 1880 census, accomplishing the task in only three years and saving the government $ 5 million. It establishes a company that would ultimately become the famous IBM.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing presents the notion of a universal machine, later called the Turing machine, capable of computing anything that is computable. The central concept of the modern computer was based on his ideas.
  • Atanasoff and his graduate student

    Atanasoff and his graduate student
    Atanasoff and his graduate student, Clifford Berry, design a computer that can solve 29 equations simultaneously. Here it is marked for the first time that a computer is capable of storing information in its main memory.
  • The First Electronic computers

    The First Electronic computers
    It was between II World War, a team of scientists and mathematicians who worked at Bletchley Park, north of London, created what was considered the first fully electronic digital computer.By December 1943 the Colossus, which incorporated 1,500 valves or vacuum tubes, was already operational. It was used by the team led by Alan Turing to decode encrypted radio messages from the Germans.
  • the use of the transistor in computers marked the advent of smaller, faster and more versatile logic elements

    the use of the transistor in computers marked the advent of smaller, faster and more versatile logic elements
    In the late 1950s the use of the transistor in computers marked the advent of smaller, faster and more versatile logic elements than machines with valves allowed. As the transistors use much less energy and have a longer life, their development was due to the birth of more sophisticated machines, which were called computers or second generation computers. The components became smaller, as well as the spaces between them, making the manufacture of the system cheaper.
  • First Computer Generation

    First Computer Generation
    The computers of the first Generation used bulbs to process information. The operators entered the data and programs in special code by means of punched cards. Internal storage was achieved with a rapidly rotating drum, on which a read / write device placed magnetic markers. Those bulbous computers were much larger and generated more heat than contemporary models
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
    Grace Hopper develops the first computational language, which is eventually known as COBOL. Thomas Johnson Watson Jr., son of IBM CEO Thomas Johnson Watson Sr., conceived the IBM 701 EDPM to help the United Nations control Korea during the war.
  • Second generation of computers

    Second generation of computers
    Transistor Limited Compatibility The invention of the transistor made possible a new generation of computers, faster, smaller and with less ventilation needs. However, the cost remained a significant portion of a Company's budget. The second generation computers also used magnetic core networks instead of rotating drums for primary storage. These cores contained small rings of magnetic material, linked together, in which pods could be stored data and instructions.
  • The first circuit integrated computer

    The first circuit integrated computer
    At the end of the 1960s the computer with integrated circuit (IC) appeared, which made it possible to manufacture several transistors in a single silicon substrate in which the interconnection cables were soldered.
  • Third generation of computers

    Third generation of computers
    Integrated circuits Compatibility with major equipment Multiprogramming Minicomputer The third generation computers emerged with the development of integrated circuits (silicon wafers) in which thousands of electronic components are placed, in a miniature integration. Computers again became smaller, faster, gave off less heat and were more energy efficient. Before the advent of integrated circuits, computers were designed for business or mathematical applications, but not for both.
  • Pioneers of computing

    Pioneers of computing
      An old patent for a device that many people believed was the first electronic digital computer, was invalidated in 1973 by order of a federal court, and John V. Atanasoff was officially credited as the inventor of the computer. to digital electronics. Dr. Atanasoff, a professor at Iowa State University, developed the first electronic digital computer between the years 1937 to 1942. He called his invention the Atanasoff-Berry computer, or just ABC.
  • The first reprogrammable quantum computer was created

    The first reprogrammable quantum computer was created
    Until now there has not been any quantum computing platform that has the ability to program new algorithms into your system, but each one is adapted to attack a particular algorithm," said the study's lead author, Shantanu Debnath, a quantum physicist. and optical engineer at the University of Maryland, College Park.
  • Molecular Information Technology

    Molecular Information Technology
    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing a new "Molecular Information Technology" program that uses molecules such as computers. Millions of molecules exist , and each molecule has a unique three-dimensional atomic structure, as well as variables such as shape, size or even color. This richness offers a broad design space to explore new forms and multiple values to encode and process data beyond the 0s and 1s of today's logic-based digital architectures.
  • Supercomputers:

    A supercomputer is the most powerful and fastest type of computer that exists at any given time. These machines are designed to process huge amounts of information in a short time and are dedicated to a specific task. They are also the most expensive, their prices reach 30 MILLION dollars and more
  • Future Computers

    Future Computers
    They will be able to recognize our emotions & read our corporal language. The computers will be controlled by molograms as a keyboard. These will be smallest, light & faster. Also they will print will an amazing quality in every paper that exist in earth.